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So you can activate the new ‘vacation mode’

In the search to improve the most used instant messaging platform in the world, WhatsApp will implement several new features this year.

Among them, the so-called ‘vacation mode’, which prepares its soon arrival on mobile devices.

What does it consist of

The continuous notifications shown by social networks or mobile applications make it difficult to simply rest.

Therefore, the ‘vacation mode’ will arrive on phones in an early WhatsApp update.

With this mode you can temporarily archive conversations and groups of your choice, so that they remain silent and do not show notifications on the device

For example, it will allow a conversation that has been archived to continue without being in the list of chats that appears when you open the application, even if new notifications are received.

Currently, when archiving a conversation, it disappears from the main list, although it appears again when a message is received.

After the update of the ‘vacation mode’, which will be available on iOS and Android, you will have to enter the list of archived conversations to find out if a new message has arrived in those chats.

Check out: WhatsApp implements a function to mute groups forever!

How to activate the ‘vacation mode’ in WhatsApp

These are the steps to follow to activate the ‘vacation mode’ when WhatsApp updates the functionality:

1. Open the application, click on the three vertical dots that appear at the top right and select ‘Settings’ (on Android) or ‘Settings’ (on iOS).

2. Click on ‘Notifications’

3. In this section you will enable the option to activate and deactivate the ‘vacation mode’

Then all you have to do is archive the individual or group chat that you want to mute.

To archive conversations: Swipe the chat you want to archive to the left and press Archive.

View archived conversations: Go to the beginning of your conversations and swipe down. It will appear in a tab above the Search option.

To unarchive conversations: Go to the archived tab, swipe the chat you want to unarchive to the left and select Unarchive.



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