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So today can be a good day

My grandchildren in Pirna love playing with Lego bricks. Anyone who has ever built with Legos knows that two things are involved: firstly, you have to have a precise idea of ​​what you want to create and, secondly, you have to be patient when looking for the right building blocks. When a project is finished, the children are very proud of what they have invented and built. They are then happy to explain their building in detail and show me its functions.

Anyone who has made something with their own hands usually has a special relationship with what they designed and created. This doesn’t just apply to little boys and their Lego works. A successful cake, a successful presentation at the company, a painting, a difficult challenge that I was able to solve or a gold medal at the Olympic Games – whatever I have worked on, I am proud when my efforts bear fruit.

In the Bible, the psalmist goes one step further. He realizes that he is a work of God. Because he realizes that he is an expression of creative love, he turns to God with a request. And it sounds like this:

Your hands made me and prepared me; teach me that I may learn your commandments. Psalm 119Around 73

I don’t know how you feel when you stand in front of the mirror in the morning. Maybe you are one of those enviable people who get out of bed fresh and full of energy. I start the day rather slowly. The worried thought can occur to me in front of the mirror: “Hopefully coffee will improve this miserable condition!”

But joking aside! You and I are wonderful creatures of God. Conceived and created for His glory. It’s good if we become aware of it. It’s best to do it first thing in the morning, when the day is still young.

But something else is important to the psalm prayer. He wants to be instructed by God in his commandments. The Bible transmission Hope for All reflects the psalm prayer’s concern as follows: “LORD, my Creator! You gave me life. Now give me the insight I need to live according to your commandments!”

Having insight is more than just being able to recite a fact from memory. It requires understanding. I invested time and effort, dealt with it and understood what was important.

I hope that today you will rediscover what a gift you hold in your hands. They are a thought of God. He gave you life. Make something of this gift! Above all: ask God’s thoughts and follow his instructions. Then this day will be successful.

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