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so they discover your PIN and the commissions triple

Two bad news coming to the ATM, the ATM used daily by millions of Italians.

Let’s see what they are and what changes in the use of ATMs and above all what to watch out for.

Using an ATM is an absolutely natural gesture for almost all Italians who regularly go to withdraw and also to pay money at ATMs, but triple commissions arrive and our PIN is no longer safe. Let’s see what to watch out for. Skilled bad guys hiding almost invisible micro cameras on the ATM can find out our PIN code. Recent studies show that artificial intelligence can be able to detect the PIN code from the movement of the arm, even if we cover the keypad with the other hand.

Maximum attention

So it has become incredibly easy for scammers to find out our PIN code and consequently if in the ATM we are using we notice some element that seems suspicious to us, it is absolutely important to let it go and look for another one. But now the triple commissions also arrive and at the withdrawal we will pay € 1.50. Bancomat Spa, the company that manages all Italian ATMs, has asked the competition authority for a change very pejorative for users. Until now, the fees for withdrawing from the ATM of a bank other than ours amounted to € 0.49. With the new rules, however, withdrawing from another bank’s counter will cost a surprise commission, so to speak, which can fluctuate up to € 1.50.

Triple and surprise commissions

Bancomat Spa has pointed out to the guarantor authority that it is not fair that the commission is established by whoever manages the card, but it must be established by whoever actually maintains the ATM and all related and related costs. But this materially means that the commission is unknown for whoever goes to withdraw until the very moment of withdrawal. Indeed the commissions established by our card will no longer be worth, but those imposed by the bank that owns the ATM will apply we are using.

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So with the new regulation the withdrawal will cost triple and we should not be surprised if the commission is not more than € 0.49 But it will be € 1.50. It therefore becomes important to try not to withdraw from ATMs other than those of our bank. Although it is true that there are fewer and fewer ATMs and sometimes finding the one in your bank will become more and more difficult.

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