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So the mystery of space, it turns out that the largest black hole can accommodate millions of planets, you know?


What is in a black hole?

Bobo.id – Even though it looks empty, the sky holds many objects that are still a mystery.

One object that is considered strange and even scary is black hole or black hole.

Black hole is a very dense object with such a strong gravitational attraction.

Do you know friends, because the gravitational attraction is so strong, even light can’t get out of its attraction. We can’t even see the black hole.

Even black holes can only be recorded in 2019 by collaboration Event Horizon Telescope (EHT).

Reported from SpaceSo far, astronomers have identified three types of black holes.

These are stellar black holes, supermassive black holes, and intermediate black holes.

Black Hole, How Big?

Reporting from NASA, black holes can be large or small. According to scientists, the smallest black hole is only the size of an atom.

Also Read: What Happens If Someone Is Sucked Into a Black Hole?

Although the black hole is very small, it turns out to have a mass the size of a giant mountain.

Mass in this case means the amount of matter in an object, yes.

Other black holes are dubbed “stars”. Its mass can reach 20 times greater than the mass of the sun.

Scientists estimate that there are many stellar-mass black holes in Earth’s galaxy, the Milky Way.

Another black hole which is also the largest black hole is called supermassive.

This supermassive black hole has a mass greater than one million suns. That’s a lot, yes.

This supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy is called Sagittarius A.

This black hole has a mass equivalent to about four million suns.

Even this black hole will fit to accommodate several million planet Earth.

Also Read: Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way ‘Kicks’ a Star, What’s Up?

Can it Swallow Earth?

Black holes will not circulate in space to devour stars, moons, and planets.

Don’t worry, even if there is a supermassive black hole in the Milky Way galaxy, Earth will not fall into a black hole.

This happens because no black hole is close enough to the solar system.

Even if a black hole with the same mass as the sun were at the center of the solar system, the earth would still not fall into the black hole.

The black hole will have the same gravity as the sun, while Earth and other planets will orbit it as they orbit the sun.

However, even the sun will not be able to turn into a black hole because the sun is not big enough to make a hole.

What’s in a Black Hole?

Reported from Kompas.comRegina Caputo, astrophysicist at NASA, said, although a black hole looks like a hole, it is not empty, lo.

Also Read: Wow, Astronomers Found the Largest Black Hole in the Universe

In a black hole, it turns out that there is a lot of matter that is condensed into a single point called a singularity.

When it enters the singularity of a black hole, astronomers don’t know what’s going on.

However, scientists were able to see how the strong gravity affects the stars and gas that surrounds the black hole.

When a black hole and a star are close together, there will be a high-energy light that the human eye cannot see. However, you can if you use satellites and space telescopes.

Well, that’s information about black holes which is still a mystery in space. Hopefully it can add to your knowledge, friends.

Watch this video, come on!


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