Home » today » Technology » So residents of IDX BUMN20, this is the recommendation for BJTM and ADHI shares

So residents of IDX BUMN20, this is the recommendation for BJTM and ADHI shares

Reporter: Sugeng Adji Soenarso | Editor: Tendi Mahadi

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) has again shuffled its constituent index, IDX BUMN20 for. There are two stocks entering and two stocks leaving the index.

The major evaluation aims to select the index constituent stocks for the next period accompanied by adjusting the number of shares for the index and/or the weight of the constituents.

As a result, the shares of PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk (SMBR) and shares of PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk (WSBP) is excluded from this index. Instead, the IDX included the shares of PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk (BJTM) and shares of PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk (ADHI).

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Director of the Pilarmas Investindo Sekuritas Research and Investment Association Maximilianus Nico Demus assesses that so far the two stocks that have entered have performed much better than their predecessors.

“However, we see between ADHI or BJTM, of course we are more in love with BJTM,” he told kontan.co.id, Thursday (29/7).

He explained, apart from the banking sector, BJTM continued to progress by recording a positive performance. Moreover, BJTM’s performance is still considered to be on track with projections. “Moreover, BJTM has also just distributed dividends of 49.26% of its 2020 net profit, so this gives an illustration that BJTM is worth ogling,” he explained.

However, Nico said that does not mean ADHI is not good. However, currently the construction issuer has a fairly high DER even though it is still manageable.

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In addition, the construction sector will also face quite a challenge to recover quickly in the short term.

similar, Head of Investment Research Infovesta Utama, Wawan Hendrayana said that in the short term the two shares will demand demand for the two shares. However, in the long term it will return to the fundamentals of each company.

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