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so it’s clear, Paul George is not planning to sort the lenses this season

At least it is said. As he prepares to begin his twelfth NBA campaign, Paul George has laid the groundwork. The winger has long teeth and he intends to wipe out critics and Pandemic-P.

In the NBA jungle, Paul George is one of the most dangerous predators. The Clippers winger can do everything, in any field. But the Californian is also capable of – big – dead ends which have earned him many criticisms and mockery throughout his career. Most notable episode, the 2020 Playoffs at Mickey’s house where number 13 was given his inglorious nickname Pandemic-P. Inglorious for a player who proclaimed himself until then… Playoffs-P. And we laugh we laugh, but these “praises” affected little Paulo a lot, as he announced in an interview with the Los Angeles Times :

“I have had a lot of criticism. And I was the kind of person who believed what people said. But at one point, especially when I left the bubble, I realized that I didn’t need to be “validated”. I’m my only critic and that’s all that matters to me […] The turning point for me was to no longer care what other people had to say. 90% of the people who criticize me cannot do what I do ”

Often criticized but rarely equaled. The bubble and all the judgments that fell on the guy served as a trigger, and it is not Paul George’s opponents during the last postseason who will tell you the opposite. The former Indiana player turned 26.9 points, 9.6 rebounds and 5.4 assists while frolicking around forty minutes on the floors, easy, and the 31-year-old wore his and called everything the world of what wood he warmed himself. PG13 therefore no longer has time for haters, and that’s good because he has his work cut out for him. Recall that Kawhi Leonard stroll through the dark corners of LA is recovering from a partial ruptured ligaments in one knee and no return date is yet known for the most terrifying laughter in the West. In his absence it is therefore Paul George who must hold the house, and not to build another one with large blows of bricks. Whatever happens, the number 13 has a golden opportunity to reach the top by being the number one offensive option of a title contender. First step to catch fire? Tonight, in the heart of a Chase Center used to arsonists. Will this first battle against Chef Curry sound like the beginnings of an MVP-caliber season for Paulo? In any case, the main interested party does not put pressure on himself and advances confidently:

“No matter how the season goes, I am at peace”

Paul George first option, Paul George franchise player, Paul George full of confidence in a healthy environment – the departure of Pat Beverley may not have been for nothing – with his mate Reggie Jackson, so aAttention to the madness that the native of Palmdale could send in the days to come. The defenses are forewarned, and good luck to Andrew Wiggins who will face the beast first and who is all about the ideal victim.

Paul George has spoken, now he must take responsibility and walk the talk, otherwise some will not hesitate to (re) fall on him. Despite everything the player has come a long way and could well wreak havoc this year. So, Pandemic-P or MV-P?

Source Texte : Los Angeles Times.

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