Home » today » World » so it will be with all America – freezing Texas has shown the unreliability of “green” energy – InoTV

so it will be with all America – freezing Texas has shown the unreliability of “green” energy – InoTV

Severe frosts in Texas have disabled wind turbines, leaving residents of the state without electricity and heating, reports Fox News. According to TV presenter Tucker Carlson, at the current level of technology, “green” energy is extremely unreliable, but politicians are only proud of its implementation. Given the plans of the Biden administration, soon all of America may share the fate of Texas, the journalist warns.




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Good evening! You’re watching Tucker Carlson Tonight. Happy Monday! Believe it or not, the Green New Deal has arrived in Texas. And we tell you how it works at the moment. The good news is that all of these alternative energy sources seem to have had a significant impact on the climate. As it was intended! In parts of Texas last night, temperatures reached Alaskan temperatures. More precisely, the temperature was exactly the same as in Alaska. So in Houston, you don’t have to worry about global warming. We have solved this problem.

The bad news is that there is no electricity there. The wind turbines froze and the power grid stopped working. Millions of Texans woke up freezing this morning. There was no heating, traffic lights and mobile communications did not work. Schools were closed, cars were involved in accidents, and hospitals canceled planned surgeries. In Fort Worth, people had to boil water because without electricity it couldn’t be cleaned.

Texas Electric Power Reliability Council – what an ironic name! – runs the power grid, but does not know what to do with all this. He just told people to stop wasting so much energy on heating. So, in Houston, hundreds of Texans, shivering from the cold, went to the relief center like refugees so as not to freeze to death. But it’s almost certain that some in Texas today died of hypothermia, which is what happens when it gets so cold. Later this week, we will find out how many more have died from carbon monoxide poisoning while trying to keep warm with makeshift heaters, barbecues and car exhaust. This happens every time.

When the electricity goes out, even advanced societies become primitive and dangerous. People are dying. We’ve seen this in California many times over the years. Serious blackouts in a state that is supposedly in the first world, but inexorably plunges into chaos. But in Texas ?! Who expected this?

And it’s not just that Texas is primarily Republican. It would seem that it’s something, but Texas should be able to maintain electricity. The main source of electricity is natural gas, and Texas produces more of it than anywhere else on the continent. There are huge deposits of natural gas all over Texas. Texas is known to be the state of oil and gas. Running out of electricity in Texas is like starving to death in a grocery store: it can only happen on purpose. This was done in Texas.

Rather than revel in and benefit from the state’s rich natural resources, politicians have taken the fashionable path and recklessly relied on so-called alternative energy sources. That is, to the windmills. Fifteen years ago, there were practically no wind farms in Texas. Last year, about a quarter of the state’s electricity production was from wind.

Local politicians were happy, they boasted about it. As if there is something virtuous about disfiguring the landscape and degrading the power grid. Just last week, Governor Greg Abbott proudly accepted the so-called Wind Energy Leadership Award from a company that makes money from green energy.

So everything worked fine until the day it got cold outside. The windmills fell into disrepair, as befits stupid fashion accessories, and people died in Texas. Many more people died at the Capitol on January 6th. Just for your reference.

We are telling you all this not to curse Texas, it is actually a wonderful state, but to give you an idea of ​​what is about to happen to you, with each state. And this is not our speculation. Here’s the new president explaining his plan.

JOE BYDEN, US President: In my opinion, we have already postponed taking action on this climate crisis for too long. It cannot be postponed any longer … That is why today I am signing a decree to intensify the implementation of our administration’s ambitious plan to combat the existential threat of climate change. This is an existential threat.

Just read the text. “Climate crisis», «existential threat», «ambitious plan“! You hear these phrases often. Note, they are all suspiciously vague. What do they mean to you? Well, for starters, an increase in energy prices. Gasoline has already risen in price, if you haven’t noticed. Electricity is next in line. The weakest suffer from price increases, inflation is always the case. But that’s not the worst part. Green energy inevitably means blackouts. Someday, with the development of technology, this may change, but at the moment, at the current technological level, this is the case. Green energy means a less reliable power grid. Dot. This means interruptions in work, like the ones we see now in Texas.

Air date Feb 15, 2021.

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