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SNS keeps only six Covid units open

The Public Health authorities have continued with the dismantling of the Covid units of the hospitals of the public network, due to the low incidence of this coronavirus.

According to the most recent bulletin, number 776, in the entire national geography there are only five patients admitted for Sars-COV-2 in stable conditions and one in the Intensive Care Unit.

According to the director of the National Health Service (SNS), Mario Lamasix Covid units remain active where patients requiring hospitalization are referred.

These units operate in the Marcelino Vélez Hospital in Santo Domingo; in the Simon Stridel of Azua; at the Cabral y Báez Hospital in Santiago; at the Pedro Emilio de Marchena Hospital, in Bonao; in the Boca Chica Viejo Hospital and another in Puerto Plata.

“We have a national network that was intended exclusively for Covid patients. Today there are only five patients admitted for Covid in the entire country. Can you imagine thousands of beds without providing services for five patients? We are using them for patients who need them, polyvalent patients”, argued Lama.

The doctor said that the hospitals they are overcrowded and it is “fair that service can be provided to other pathologies. If at any time it is necessary to open more beds, which we hope not, they are available.

The director of SNS He maintained that hypertensive patients, diabetics or pregnant women abandoned their regular consultations due to the pandemic, but that “it is time for us to return to health.”

“The other diseases exist and we cannot have hundreds of empty beds, having patients who deserve a hospitalization or a procedure,” he added.

Lama spoke at the weekly meeting with the press, where together with the Minister of Housing, Carlos Bonilla, they reported on hospital expenses.

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Expenses in hospitals

So far, 16 health projects have been delivered and another 23 are underway, with an investment of more than 15 billion pesos.

Bonilla said that more than 90% of the budget has been used to complete the works of the past administration. For his part, Lama stated that of 17 hospitals that were enabled, the total now amounts to 157.

By 2022, the SNS is running six dialysis units out of ten that will be incorporated, five Diabetic Foot units and the renovation of 17 hospital emergencies.

Regarding the Padre Billini hospital, Minister Bonilla assured that the delivery will take place at the end of July and that it will immediately be at the service of the population, fully equipped and with medical personnel at full capacity.

disease surveillance

The Minister of Public Health, Daniel Rivera, recalled that the Covid-19 “is still present” and called on the population to continue with the vaccination process, which in addition to protecting, prevents biologicals from expiring and being wasted. He also called on parents to continue vaccinating children from one to five years old against polio, sampion and rubella.

Similarly, he asked to follow healthy eating habits and physical exercise as preventive measures against obesity, diabetes and hypertension.

about the cases of acute childhood hepatitis, Rivera said that the World Health Organization (WHO) is contacted daily but that so far surveillance is maintained and no restrictive measures have been ordered.

Journalist, lover of travel, fashion and live music. Foodies.

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