Home » today » Technology » Snow of iron in the heart of the earth. We have a crazy world under our feet, says the scientist

Snow of iron in the heart of the earth. We have a crazy world under our feet, says the scientist

There is snow in the heart of the earth.

A mysterious world is hidden under our feet. The deeper we dived, the more inhospitable it became, reminding us of a scorching hell. Full of lava, but also slopes that form iron flakes.

For more than half a century, scientists have speculated that the Earth’s core consisted of a solid inner part surrounded by a semi-liquid envelope. But new research suggests our planet’s depths may be far more complex than previously thought.

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Since we have no way of getting to the center of the Earth, scientists rely on the study of seismic waves, which reveal the density of the materials they pass through. Primary P waves are elastic and incredibly fast. They are the first indicators of an earthquake. They travel through all states. Secondary S waves are slower. Therefore, they arrive at the observation station for seconds. By their physical nature, they cannot pass through a liquid environment.

Earth core and iron snow

A team of American and Chinese geophysicists from the University of Texas at Austin and Sichuan University, analyzing recent seismic data, noted that the measured values ​​did not correspond to current theoretical models of the functioning of the geosphere, located at the center of the earth. It turns out that when the waves pass through the lower layers of the outer core, they slow down. Once they move through the upper layer of the inner core, they are, on the contrary, faster than they should be according to the calculations.

“These velocity anomalies could indicate the presence of a hypothetical snow bank between the outer and inner cores at a depth of 5,150 km below the Earth’s surface,” says Youjun Zhang of Sichuan University in China. However, this snow is not made of water crystals, but of iron. they can be released into the molten outer core and then fall into the solid core of the planet. “

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Here they most likely form a layer with a thickness of more than 300 kilometers. “There’s a crazy world under our feet,” laughs Zhang. “But similar processes also take place in the magma hearths in the earth’s crust,” she explains.

The secret of the earth’s core

Furthermore, further research has indicated that the Earth’s inner core is not only solid iron as believed, but also contains alloys of oxygen, hydrogen or carbon atoms. This is demonstrated by a model whose task was to simulate the effects of extreme pressures and temperatures on a number of probable elements.

Source: Youtube

This could explain the formation of strong convection currents that produce the Earth’s magnetic field, but also shed light on the formation of our planet and other similar bodies in the universe.


www.popularmechanics.com, www.agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com, www.imeteo.sk

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