Home » today » News » Snow and a fault in the catenary affect the circulation of trains between Madrid and Andalusia | Radio Cordoba

Snow and a fault in the catenary affect the circulation of trains between Madrid and Andalusia | Radio Cordoba

The snow and the effects that the storm is leaving in much of the country has forced in the last hours to Renfe to suppress for the morning of this Saturday, January 9, some of the services it provides between Madrid and Andalusia, among them the Media Distancia trains between Madrid and Jaén.

The rest of the trains High speed Come in Madrid and Seville are affected by delays of between 20 and 60 minutes due to speed restrictions that are being adopted in certain points of the route as a result of the accumulation of snow.

To this we must add that the failure of a catenary in Grañena on the way Espeluy and Jaén has forced to establish an alternative transport plan for Medium Distance travelers that they have a ticket for the trains Jaén – Madrid and Jaén – Córdoba – Seville.


As reported Renfe there will be delays in the services of High speed between 20 min and 60 min due to speed restrictions at 160 km / h, on the following lines and routes:

• Madrid-Barcelona: between Alcalá de Henares and Guadalajara;

• Madrid – Valencia: between Valdemoro – Albacete – Requena.

• Madrid – Alicante: between Valdemoro and Albacete and between Albacete and Bonete

Madrid – Seville: between La Sagra and Venta La Inés

• Madrid-Toledo; between La Sagra and Toledo.


The storm has led Renfe to have to suppress all Media Distancia services on the Madrid-Cuenca-Valencia and Aranjuez-Alcázar de San Juan-Albacete lines, which also implies the circulations between Madrid and Jaén.

Since yesterday afternoon those of Valencia-Teruel-Zaragoza are suppressed, and the trains Costa de la Mancha, Ciudad Real-Alicante and Media Distancia services Valencia / Albacete- Alcazar de San Juan.

In Ave and Larga Distancia, they have discontinued at the moment trains in the afternoon of Friday 8 and in the morning of Saturday 9 that connect Madrid with Valencia, Alicante, Castellón, Cartagena and Murcia.

Regarding the passing trains that circulate through Madrid, one of the points most affected by the storm, an Alternative Transportation Plan has been established to avoid the passage of trains through the changers of Madrid Atocha and Madrid Chamartin

This alternative plan affects, according to Renfe, travelers with the following destinations:

Alicante – Santander:

Alvia Santander-Alicante (07: 05-15: 02) and Alvia Alicante (10: 35-18: 15) Santander, travelers will be transferred by Cercanías train between the Puerta de Atocha and Chamartín stations, to the compositions located in UIC gauge.


Likewise, in order to avoid passing through the Madrid Atocha and Chamartín changing stations, passing trains from Castellón and Gijón, Alvia Castellón-Gijón (11: 02-20: 41) Gijón and Alvia Gijón-Castellón (10: 15-19 : 31), its travelers will make transfers by Cercanías train between the Puerta stations. Atocha and Chamartín, to compositions located in UIC width.

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