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Snoring Sleep Turns Out To Be Influenced By Cell Phone Use | BantenNews.co.id

Data in the UK shows that the number of adults who snore has more than doubled in the last 20 years. Surprisingly, excessive use of mobile phones is said to have contributed to this condition. How come?

“Blue light emissions from LED (Light Emitting Diode) smartphones, computers, and street lights are also responsible for sleep deprivation,” said Dr Maurice Ohayon, who published his research in the journal Sleep Medicine, quoted from detik.com.

“Increases the risk of obesity, drowsiness, and cognitive impairment which increases the risk of sleep apnea,” he continued.

Sleep apnea or stopping breathing while sleeping is one of the most common sleep disorders experienced by adults, especially those who are overweight. People who snore have a high risk of experiencing it.

Although it doesn’t turn off instantly, stopping breathing during sleep reduces sleep quality. As a result, the body’s cells do not get enough quality time to recover. The risk of various types of chronic diseases is widely associated with this sleep problem. (red)

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