Just the cutest models.
Joom continues to please with top discounts. Now the marketplace is distributing sneakers from adidas at low prices, which means it’s time to click on the links and buy shoes. The only problem may be the European size range, but this problem is easily solved using the size chart. Here she is.
And what about items? Here we are waiting for black sneakers adidas Originals ZX 1K Boost Seasonality. These are casual shoes made of textile and faux suede. The German brand promises a secure fit, unique fit and breathable material. But the main feature of this model is the shock-absorbing midsole, which combines EVA and Boost (know-how from adidas).

The brutal exterior matches the innards, while adidas Originals logos adorn the tongue and heel of the shoe. Previously, these sneakers cost more than 11 thousand, but now the price fell to 8225 rubles. This model can no longer be found in popular Russian online stores, so hurry up – the right sizes tend to disappear.
Those who prefer light-colored shoes should pay attention to red and white. adidas Originals Forum Low. The Velcro strap takes us back to the 1980s, when the Forum debuted on the market. Since then, the design has evolved, but the retro style and respect for the past is still here. Another nice touch is the leather upper.

Love low top sneakers and not afraid of mud? Then take out your bank cards. Now this item is being given away on Joom for only 7972 rubles. Previously, the price of this shoe reached 11 thousand. Sounds like good savings.
This Realme is one of the best TV boxes on the market. It’s being sold for pennies now.
Oppo’s underestimated state employee has collapsed in price. It has a stylish design and a unique camera
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