• The front of the fair changed into a shopping street • Occasional small businesses
• Revenue generators, which contribute to the success of the SNC
The craft and trade fair is one of the National Culture Week (NCS) activities that welcomes most people. Located on the site of the SNC headquarters, it has become a stopping point for festival goers from the four corners of the country as well as the sub-region. A true platform for cultural exchange, it is an ideal place for commercial exchanges. We went on a tour this Monday around the site to see the activities that take place there.

Officially opened on April 28, 2024, by the minister in charge of trade, the craft and trade fair is considered, as an activity of the SNC, as the most known to the public. It is a true framework for commercial exchanges, the craft and trade fair is not only a stand for various products, the reservations for gastronomy, entertainment platforms within the site, but it is also and especially the surroundings of the site. Part of the tarmac that passed in front of the main entrance to the SNC headquarters, the site of the fair, was transformed during the SNC into a real shopping street.

From shoe sellers, to decorative work sellers, to street sellers of children’s toys…, everyone presents what they have as a product. Installed on the way, there are many sellers from the four corners of Burkina and beyond, who are looking to do business. Most were not able to get a booth inside. On the other hand, others prefer to stay outside because they believe that with the daily crowd on the site, it is almost impossible for everyone to get a chance inside. “We give the opportunity to those who cannot enter to be able to make their purchases here” tells us Ismaël, a shoe seller installed in front of the entrance to the fair .
Along with the established merchants and traveling salesmen, we also see women and girls who, sitting or walking, sell fresh water and drinks to the attendees of the festival. This comes as a sigh of relief to the latter, forced to queue under the blazing sun to hopefully get access to the fair grounds.
In this commotion, we also see young people, of both sexes, who, trays in hand, on which small pots are placed, offer their services to visitors. Make pictures on the face. A service that is also appreciated by many participants who see it as proof of their participation in the SNC. Sako Awa, an attendee of the festival who has just drawn a picture on her face, tells us: “This picture is a trace of my participation in the SNC”. Considering the population on the site, the cost to create a picture, and the number of people with a picture on their face, this business seems to be profitable. According to Emmanuel, one of these designers, the price varies from one designer to another “I make 300 CFA francs. But some do it for 100 CFA francs. Regarding the profitability of the activity, our designer rejects the slowness of the market this year. “Last year I could have more than 15,000 CFA francs per day but this year, since the start of the SNC, it is difficult for me to have even 5,000 CFA francs per day,” he told us. He goes on to say “This is due to the high number of people who are interested in the activity. “The children ruined the market. He doesn’t master it well, they don’t know how to draw well so it doesn’t make customers want to do it. “
If there is another activity that attracts attention, it is the reselling of tickets. Access to fairgrounds is subject to presentation of an entry ticket or badge. The job of ticket sellers is to buy admission tickets in large quantities and resell them at a profit margin. For them, this helps avoid visitors queuing to get a ticket. Nickname “Tantie ticket”, says: “we save people. Of course the ticket costs 500 at the counter and 600 at my place, but we are saving them from going in. For example, the ticket offices are currently closed. If someone wants to return, how do they do it? But we are present all the time.”
The fair is a meeting place that moves many people. Along with the security system put in place by the organizing committee to ensure the safety of people, there are also those people who ensure the safety of the machines. These include parking lot managers. The SNC is an opportunity for them to do good business with the people on the different sites. During normal times, the motorcycle is kept at 100pm but during the SNC it is kept at 200pm. A price considered reasonable by the managers we spoke to, due to the risk involved.
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