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Snapchat can’t load the image

The short-lived Snapchat messenger is full of surprises, but not all of them are pleasant. One of the most annoying problems occurs when Snapchat cannot load an image. For whatever reason, some Snaps get stuck while loading and seem to never appear. Fortunately, there is a way to open Snap or locked images that the app doesn’t seem to load.

Snapchat upload blocked | Image correction cannot be loaded

It is not entirely clear why Snapchat cannot load certain images. Even though you have been notified that a Snap has been received, it will not load and cannot be viewed. Fortunately, you can usually force the upload of the image or video by switching from WiFi to mobile data.

Interestingly, this problem occurs most often in Snaps sent without audio. They are represented by a red square, which can be a still image or a muted video. You will see a notification saying a plugin has been received, but the plugin will not load. Even if the app says tap to load, nothing happens when you do.

While there are several proposed solutions to this problem, the most common solution is actually the simplest: turn off the WiFi. Switching between WiFi and mobile data will force the app to retrieve the Snap one more time, giving you another chance to charge it. If you’re already using mobile data, switch to WiFi for the same effect.

In some cases, Snapchat is unable to upload images or videos during server outages. This is relatively rare, but not unprecedented. Photos or videos submitted before the server downtime will appear in the feed, but won’t actually upload. In these cases, you have no choice but to wait for the service to be up and running again.

Otherwise, the usual advice will apply. Try closing the app or restarting your phone. You can also try clearing the Snapchat app cache to force recovery of your Snaps. In the worst case, you can load blocked Snaps by deleting the conversation. You just need to know that anything you haven’t saved will be gone forever, so try this only as a last resort.

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