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SMS to his wife: “You will never see them again”. Then strangle the children in their sleep

Family tragedy occurred this morning in Margno, a small town in the province of Lecco located in the territory of Alta Valsassina: in a delicate phase of the passage that would have led him to separate from his wife, a man killed their two children, a male and a female twins aged 12, leaving a message to their spouse and subsequently taking their own lives.

Mario Bresso was with the two 12-year-olds in the family holiday home, in an apartment building located a short distance from the square of the cable car at Pian delle Betulle and from the Larice hotel. The wife, however, was in Gorgonzola (metropolitan city of Milan), where her whole family resides, when she was joined by a disturbing message of the spouse: “You will no longer see your children”, the latter would have written, as reported by “Lecco online”, causing panic in the woman.

According to reports from the local press, the couple was going through a very delicate phase of the separation, which the man could not accept. Because of this, probably, the sudden raptus that led him to decide to eliminate his children as an extreme gesture, before committing suicide.

Far from where the family were, the woman rushed to Margno by car, making the terrible discovery herself and being caught by a illness. The timely intervention of the rescuers, namely the volunteers of the Red Cross of Premana and the helicopter rescue of the Regional Emergency and Emergency Agency left from Como, is useless. For the two 12-year-olds, in fact, it was now too late, and the doctors have only been able to ascertain his death.

After killing his children, the man would have instead left the apartment, letting himself fall from the ponte of Vittoria in Cremeno (Lecco).

“I live in the upper floor”, says a neighbor to Valsassinanews, in a voice broken by tears. “Tonight, strange, deaf noises woke me up at 3 at night. I thought they were thieves, but here it is impossible to find thieves. And then at 7 I hear some yell out excruciating, very strange, that I will never forget. I run the flight of stairs, and I see the mother of these children who was in a state … she was rolling on the ground, saying that the children did not wake up “.

The story stops with emotion, then resumes. “I try to enter this family’s house, but a policeman immediately interrupts me. And shortly thereafter I learn that the children were killed by the father who ran away. I have not seen the father. I know they have been here for about a week. I saw the children last night, here in the courtyard playing. Tremendous. He tells me crying that of the red cross that he has seen bad things but so no … I asked how they died, he replied that they were blue “, he adds. “They thought about strangling. Then I thought that those noises were … I don’t know what … It makes me feel bad that I couldn’t do anything. A ramp and I could have saved them, perhaps, but I didn’t hear them like or anything. I could do something. Children … are a sacred thing. This horrible thing was consumed a few meters from my house “, conclude.

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