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Smoking weed and cycling or driving a car: How much THC, cannabis or grass is now allowed while driving?

What applies to medical cannabis?

However, the limit does not apply to cannabis patients. According to Section 24a of the Road Traffic Act, no administrative offence has been committed if “the substance comes from the intended use of a drug prescribed for a specific case of illness”.

This means: If a check is carried out and the test is positive – The limit for an administrative offence is also 3.5 nanograms of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) per millilitre in blood serum – Drivers with a prescription for cannabis are not threatened with punishment. Except in the case of impairment. In that case, according to § 316 of the Criminal Code, a prison sentence of up to one year or a fine can be imposed. Anyone who endangers other road users must expect higher penalties.

How long does it take before you can drive again after consuming cannabis?

While alcohol is broken down relatively evenly in the blood, the breakdown of THC in the blood depends on several factors: for example, physical condition, the type of cannabis consumption or the frequency of consumption.

THC can be detected in the blood up to three days after consumption, and breakdown products can be detected for up to a month. People who smoke weed regularly have detectable substances in their blood for significantly longer.

What applies to cannabis and cycling?

There is no THC limit for cyclists like there is for car drivers. Nevertheless, you should not get on your bike while intoxicated. If a cyclist causes an accident while under the influence of drugs, they also face fines, having their license revoked or being ordered to undergo an MPU (medical-psychological examination).

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