Home » today » Health » Smoking cessation patches – Hossam Mowafi warns: they can cause death

Smoking cessation patches – Hossam Mowafi warns: they can cause death

Dr. Hossam Mowafi, professor of critical cases at Kasr Al-Ainy Faculty of Medicine, warned against using smoking cessation patches, noting that their risks outweigh their benefits.

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Muwafi said during his program “My Lord, Increase Me in Knowledge”, broadcast on the Sada Al-Balad channel, that smoking cessation patches pose a great danger to heart health, as they lead to an imbalance in its frequency cardiac.

The critical cases professor added that smoking cessation patches can provide the body with a dose of nicotine that exceeds the allowable rate, which increases the pressure on the heart.

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And he stressed that heart rhythm disturbances from smoking cessation patches can lead to death, also warning of nicotine gum, because it has the same damage.

Mowafi concluded his speech by explaining that the best way to quit smoking is to stop drinking cigarettes completely, and not gradually reduce the number of cigarettes, adding that within a week, the smoker will experience some uncomfortable symptoms, such as headaches and mood swings. mood, but their effect disappears soon, as soon as the nicotine disappears from the blood system.

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