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Smokers in the United States have a harder time finding a job

Jam Master Jay, whose real name is Jason Mizell, was one of the pioneers of rap, co-founder of the Run-DMC trio before being shot in New York in 2002. Monday, almost 18 years later, prosecutors new -Yorkis have charged two men with this spectacular murder.

This murder was apparently motivated by drug stories.

The 37-year-old New York musician was shot in the head on October 30, 2002 at a recording studio in the District of Queens.

His funeral, in Allen’s cathedral, had been grandiose, bringing together the Who’s Who of American rap at the time – including LL Kool J or Queen Latifa – and several thousand people.

On Monday, the Brooklyn and Queens federal prosecutor announced that Karl Jordan Jr., 36, and Ronald Washington, 56, long suspected of involvement in what had immediately appeared to be a settling of scores. indicted for homicide in connection with cocaine trafficking.

Karl Jordan Jr. has also charged with eight other counts related to the sale of cocaine. Arrested on Sunday, he pleaded not guilty on Monday to the charges against him, during a brief hearing by teleconference.

Ronald Washington, already in prison, was due to appear later, on a date not yet specified.

Both men face a minimum of 20 years in prison and up to life or the death penalty if convicted, according to prosecutor Seth DuCharme.

According to the latter, on October 30, 2002, the two men entered the recording studio in the Jamaica district, in Queens, armed.

While Ronald Washington held down a witness to the ground, Karl Jordan, then 18, allegedly approached Jam Master Jay and shot twice at point blank range, “in cold blood”, killing the rapper and injuring another individual in leg.

“Today’s indictments start to bring some justice to the victim’s family and friends, and show that the law still applies, whether it takes days, months or years,” said Mr. DuCharme.

The death of Jason Mizell, who had created a school of DJs and inspired many young people, had all the more struck the spirits that Run-DMC, known in particular for its cover of “Walk this Way” of Aerosmith, was raised against the gang culture that then prevailed in the rapper world.

A series of American rap stars were shot between 1995 and 2002, including Tupac Shakur in 1996 and Notorious BIG in 1997.

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