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Smite 2: Bad News for Original Game Skins, But New Compensation Announced

Smite 2 is getting everyone excited about the long-running MOBA, but unfortunately there’s a bit of bad news for fans who invested a lot of effort and money into the first game. When announcing the sequel, developer Titan Forge confirmed that your skins from the original Smite will not carry over to the sequel – although the team has come up with a way to compensate for them.

General Manager Travis Brown stated:

As we’ve said before, Smite 2 is a true sequel to Smite and a new game in its own right, so let’s settle the question on everyone’s mind. Existing content from Smite won’t carry over directly to Smite 2, but don’t worry: Just because your content isn’t carried over directly doesn’t mean we won’t reward our loyal Smite 2 players for their time, money, and accomplishments.

Art director Ben Knapp added:

Since we want to make sure that all the content that comes into Smite 2 is better, it takes approximately two months of work to transfer one skin from Smite to Smite 2.

But there are approximately 1,600 skins in Smite today, so simply porting them all to Smite 2 would take approximately 246 years of work (one person man-hours). The option is clearly out. As a result, the team made a difficult decision early in development – to provide players with a new, high-quality Smite, rather than waste energy porting older elements.

The good news is that the sequel will feature two new systems for those who invested in Smite. The first is Legacy Gems, players will receive a number of gems equal to each spent in the first game, and this amount will be doubled if you buy any of the Smite 2 Founders Packs. These can be used to pay for 50% of most in-game purchases in Smite 2. A smart move that means that even the “whales” from the original game will be forced to pay real money for new things, albeit with a 50% discount. No free skins for spending in the original.

Divine Legacy – Launching in the first update of Year 11, this is essentially a lifetime achievement system that rewards the player for progress for each year of Smite’s history. Players will earn points for their progress, game history, each god’s skill levels, and unlocked skins for each year of play, with the cumulative total unlocking rewards in both Smite and Smite 2.

In short, of course it’s a pity that Smite 2 won’t allow you to carry over everything you spent on the original, but that’s business.

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