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Smiling, Musala Toyibah Burner Give Shocking Confession

The location of the Musala that was burned by the perpetrator Saddaq. Insert: The suspect who was secured at the South Sumatra Regional Police. Photo: edho / sumeks.co

jpnn.com, PALEMBANG – The culprit the burning of Musala Toyibah who is on Jalan Depaten Baru, Kelurahan 28 Ilir, Ilir Barat II Subdistrict, Palembang, has been arrested by Unit 3 Subdit 3 Jatanras Polda Sumsel, Wednesday (17/3/2021).

The perpetrator was named Raden M Saddaq, 44, a resident around the prayer room. Saddaq admitted that before carrying out the arson, he received an occult whisper.

When he was met in the investigator room of Unit 3 Jatanras, the perpetrator of Saddaq seemed to keep smiling.

He admitted that before burning Musala Toyiba his house was visited by people carrying sharp weapons.

“People attacked my house, still counting my family. Because I borrowed a mosque lamp, when I was cleaning, I went home. He emotion comes to me at home. He is a Musala administrator as well as a mosque administrator, it hurts my heart, “explained Saddaq.

Then after a few days, suspect Saddaq came to the Musala on Thursday (11/3/2021) at around 02.30 WIB.

“I can have a dialogue with the supernatural being earlier. I was threatening to frighten the supernatural beings in the Musala. I said I would burn it. I took my sandals and then I burned them using a match, “I was the suspect again.

A recidivist in the case of the possession of sharp weapons, and this persecution also admitted that he had participated in extinguishing the fire when it began to grow.

“The fire was big around 04.00 WIB at dawn. And had time to help extinguish the fire with the residents, “he said.

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