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Smic, gas and cigarettes prices, housing assistance …: everything that changes on January 1st

Find out what changes January 1, 2020 for your wallet and in your daily life.

Increase in the minimum wage

a 1.2% increase will apply to the minimum wage from January 1, 2020. The new minimum wage will therefore be set at € 10.15, compared to 10.03 in January 2019. The monthly minimum wage will therefore rise at € 1,539.42 per month.

Housing assistance

The method of calculating personalized housing assistance will change on January 1. The resources of the last twelve months will be taken into account instead of the income received two years earlier. According to the Previssima site, specializing in social protection, among the 6.5 million people affected by the reform, 1.2 million expected to decrease of their housing assistance and 600,000 beneficiaries could simply see their allowance cut.

Tobacco increase

some brands of cigarettes will increase again. Some brands will show an increase of 10 to 15 cents more expensive. For more information, see the decree of December 4 on the retail sale price tobacco manufactured in France.

A more expensive stamp

It’s not just tobacco that will increase. The green stamp will drop to 97 cents. The red stamp will go to 1.16 €, 11 cents more than at present.

Lower gas prices

The Energy Regulatory Commission has forecast a 0.9% drop in the price of gas. The price reduction will reach 0.2% for customers who use gas for cooking, 0.5% for those who have dual-use cooking and hot water, as well as 1% for gas-heated homes.

Less plastic

The war on plastic continued on January 1, 2020 with the prohibition of certain single-use products. example: plastic cotton swabs or disposable tableware. Other plastic products will be banned in the coming years.

Cheaper glasses and dentures

The reform of 100% Health also known as zero RAC (0 remains chargeable), models of glasses and dental prostheses will be fully reimbursed by the social security and mutual insurance of the insured (or the complementary health solidarity failing this). This system has already been in place since 1st January 2019 for hearing aids and since 1st April 2019 for dental.

Access to revised social housing

Access to the HLM housing property will be made easier thanks to a device that avoids having the co-ownership charges borne immediately. This should lighten the buyer’s budget.

The social security ceiling revised and corrected

As every year, the Social Security (Pass) ceiling will be raised according to the salary. It will reach € 3,428 instead of € 3,377 in 2019. This ceiling is used to calculate invalidity pensions, sickness and maternity benefits …

Retirement pensions

According to Previssima, on January 1, 2020, basic and supplementary retirement pensions, the gross amount of which does not exceed € 2,000 per month, will be revalued up to inflation. Almost 12 million retirees are affected.

As for retirees earning more than € 2,000 gross per month, they will see their retirement pension increase by only 0.3%.

1 € permit

The “permit at 1 € per day” will be accessible through schools or associations labeled “quality of training within driving schools”.

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