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SME/SMI: launch of the operation to identify Gabonese companies – AGP

Libreville, November 3, 2023 (AGP) – The Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Small and Medium Industries (PMI), Patricia Djipanon Mouloungui, launched, Thursday, November 2, 2023, at the SME space located in Libreville , the operation to identify Gabonese companies, we learned this Friday.

This initiative, aimed at supporting and boosting the SME sector in Gabon, aims to certify these companies.

On a daily basis, Gabonese companies will have to go to the SME space in Libreville, precisely in the Awendje district, in the 4th arrondissement, in order to be identified.

This operation to identify Gabonese companies is a process that follows the announcement of decree 0024 of the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI) dated October 24, 2023.

In order to put in place the mechanisms and tools necessary for the implementation of this presidential Transition measure, the Minister of SMEs/SMIs continues to increase the number of meetings with representatives of SMEs and SME groups, in order to collect proposals of the latter and see together how to eradicate the three main problems of Gabonese SMEs and SMIs. Namely, access to markets, access to financing and saturation.

“This historic measure, which aims to revive and revitalize SMEs, demonstrates that the new authorities of our country are convinced that economic growth, wealth creation, reduction of unemployment and the development of Gabon cannot be achieved without direct assistance from Gabonese SMEs,” said the member of the government, during his discussions with SMEs, before the official launch of this identification operation. Gabonese companies.


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