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Smartwatches can fight sedentary lifestyle that is detrimental to the user’s health

Liputan6.com, Jakarta – A lifestyle of minimal physical activity, otherwise known as sedentary lifestyle it is undeniable that it has become a habit that is not aware of the community for a long time.

Data from the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) by the Ministry of Health in 2018 stated that 33.5 percent of the Indonesian people lacked physical activity.

On the other hand, the number of people who are accustomed to sedentary lifestyle is predicted to increase during the current pandemic, because many activities are now carried out at home, starting from work or study. In fact, this kind of lifestyle is prone to health problems, as published by the Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health in August 2020.

According to dr. Sophia Hage, SpKO, this lifestyle can be interpreted as a minimal energy activity carried out by humans other than sleeping time. Some of the activities that fall into this category are sitting, watching TV in a lying condition, working on the seat, reading, including driving.

Seeing the need for devices that support these activities, Xiaomi said product smartwatch besutannya can help users to stay more active and reduce sedentary lifestyle. This is possible because two of Xiaomi’s newest products, Mi Watch and Mi Watch Lite, have features that can remind users to move.

Head of PR Xiaomi Indonesia, Stephanie Sicilia said, Mi Watch and Mi Watch Lite comes with a Stay Active feature that can provide notifications to users if they feel less active. Armed with these features, users are constantly reminded to stay active and do enough physical activity.

“For the Mi Watch itself, smartwatch This already comes with the ability to recognize 117 types of sports training. Meanwhile, Mi Watch Lite has the ability to recognize 11 sports exercises. Both of them can also be used underwater to a depth of 50 meters, “said Stephanie in a virtual press conference, Monday (21/12/2020).

Just like similar devices in general, Xiaomi also provides it smartwatch this with the ability to monitor the user’s body condition. Starting from calculating heart rate, blood oxygen levels, sleep cycles, to user stress levels.

On that occasion, dr. Sophia also explained some of the health problems that arise as a result sedentary lifestyle which continues to be done.

“Sedentary lifestyle “It has health impacts that cannot be underestimated, ranging from obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, more frequent use of health services, to an impact on mental health,” he said in a virtual press conference.

For that, dr. Sophia said the ways that can be done reduce to sedentary lifestyle is to be more active. The activities carried out are various, ranging from reducing the duration of sitting, moving a lot, standing or walking, doing simple stretches, including exercising.

For information, Xiaomi itself will present Mi Watch and Mi Watch on the sales channel online as well offline on December 22, 2020. Mi Watch itself is priced at IDR 1,599,000, while the Mi Watch Lite is priced at IDR 899,000.

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