That of 2020 will be remembered as the maneuver of bonuses. Incentives pouring in, for everyone, for anything. From cars to taps, from glasses to furniture. And the smartphone bonus also appears, a state mobile phone to “reduce the phenomenon of the digital divide” and to promote “the use of distance learning», Which became necessary at the time of Coronavirus.
What is the smartphone bonus?
The smartphone bonus consists in the free loan of an electronic device (therefore also a mobile phone) with connectivity for just one year. Alternatively, a bonus of equivalent value was provided to be used for the same purposes.
Who is it for? The requirements
The conditions for obtaining the bonus are different. Here’s what they are:
- belong to a family unit with an Isee income not exceeding 20 thousand euro per year;
- have at least one of the members enrolled in a school or university cycle of education;
- not be the holder of an internet connection contract or a mobile telephone contract;
- acquire the Spid, the public digital identity system that can also be activated online and with various companies, including Poste Italiane.
The benefit will be granted to:
- one person per household;
- and in any case within the maximum spending limit that has been set in 20 million euros for the year 2021.
How does it work
Unlike what was initially leaked, in the Official Journal it is not specified whether, in the bonus, the subscription to two newspapers will also be included (in addition to the IO app). Within sixty days from the date of entry into force of the law, however, all the procedures for accessing the benefit will be defined “by decree of the President of the Council of Ministers or of the Minister delegated for technological innovation and digitization”, as is law in the Official Journal.
Foto in copertina: PIXABAY