Home » today » Entertainment » Smartest Mens viewers annoyed by Abel’s swearing: ‘Terrible’

Smartest Mens viewers annoyed by Abel’s swearing: ‘Terrible’

Abel is a fanatical gamer during the eighth episode of The smartest person. However, the frontman of the Dutch-speaking punk band Hang Youth is so enthusiastic that he regularly uses the bad word “fuckhe shouts for all his answers. For example, Wopke Hoekstra is “minister of”. fuck Finance’ according to Abel. And even Herman Koch’s latest book is enriched by this dirty word, because according to Abel the book is titled something with ‘fuck king’. Also pair the singer ‘fuck Khrisna’on has Hinduism.

Viewers are not happy with his use of language. On Twitter they commented on this: ‘Terrible. What level and language. But sitting here I am ashamed of myself.’ Someone else who al’Fucking smarter human being‘ is watching wonders a number of things: ‘Who the Fuck yourself and fuck Abel?” and ‘Because the Fuck yourself says so fuck often fuck?’ While people aren’t happy with Abel’s language, some may still laugh at it: “Despite the dick, Abel is still funny.”

Unfortunately for Abel, he was knocked out in the final round. Biologist Mátyás won this round in the last eight seconds. However, Abel lets us know that he doesn’t agree with the rules of the game. ‘Fuck you man’, he shouts when Mátyás gives the decisive answer. Despite the fact that Abel didn’t win, according to this spectator he is still a winner: “The champion still curses.”

The smartest person visible every weekday at 20:30 at KRO-NCRV on NPO 1. Watch the episode here Backwards.

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