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small inventory of current orders in our French-speaking communities

Walloon Brabant

Hélécine : the administration of Hélécinoise will equip its population with protective masks. 3600 masks have been ordered.

Jodoigne: Order of 20,000 washable and reusable masks, 1 per capita. Call for solidarity to make it for yourself and for others

Mont-Saint-Guibert: Order of 3000 washable and reusable masks for the fragile public. Call for solidarity to make it for yourself and for others

Rixensart: Call for solidarity and dressmakers to make fabric masks

Villers-la-Ville: Order of 11,000 cloth masks for all residents

Waterloo: Order of fabric masks for all residents and for practitioners (Dentists, Physiotherapists etc.)

Wavre: Order of 2 fabric masks per inhabitant. Call for solidarity: seamstresses make fabric masks distributed to the population and to practitioners. Authorities recommend wearing a mask on the street.


Wallonia Picardy

Ath: The City will offer a fabric mask to all of its residents (30,000 residents). Dressmakers have been hired and distribution will take place at the end of confinement

Beloeil: The municipal college has agreed to the purchase of 15,000 masks. The order has not yet been placed. The masks will be distributed in the mailboxes.

Goats: A public market launched for cloth masks for residents.

Comines-Warneton : appeal to the people.

Enghien: The wearing of a mask is recommended by the bourgmestre.

Frasnes-lez-Anvaing : 12,000 masks have been ordered. They will soon be distributed to the population.

Mont-de-l’Enclus: problems for distribution.


Mons district

Dour: masks are made by volunteers in the municipalities (asbl Dourentraide). 6000 masks were also purchased ready-made. More than 2,500 masks have already been distributed. Distribution will continue this Wednesday. A resident of the entity also invented masks so that deaf people can read lips.

Hensies : a free mask is provided for each inhabitant. The order should be received within 8-10 days.
Honnelles : 1,500 masks already made by volunteer seamstresses. An order has been placed for 3000 additional masks. A thousand masks have already been distributed to physiotherapists, nurses, etc.

Jurbise : A hundred seamstresses make masks. Distribution has started.

Lens: A fabric mask will be distributed to all residents. The principle has been implemented but not yet materialized. This will be done via volunteer seamstresses. The date of implementation is still unknown.

Mons : the municipal college decided to launch a market for the purchase of masks intended for the population. It is planned to distribute two masks per person.

Quévy : call to seamstresses.
Quiévrain : thanks to the voluntary seamstresses, already nearly 700 masks in reserve. Steps with a company to place an order. Distribution has started.
Saint-Ghislain, Frameries, Colfontaine, Boussu and Quaregnon : would like to join a group order for Mons-Borinage.


Estinnes: 10,100 masks ordered. Volunteers and the Estinnes Solidaire association will make masks for children. “Coming soon” distribution.

The louvière : mask distributions have already taken place, especially for medical staff

Soignies : Purchase of 2 fabric masks per inhabitant. Which would make 56,000 masks. The municipal authorities have reached an agreement to launch the public market. Solidarity action for vulnerable people, to whom volunteers can already provide a mask.

Charleroi and Thuin

Anderlues and Fleurus: distributions to medical staff have already been carried out by the authorities.


Liège district

Liège Métropole (24 municipalities in the Liège arrondissement) ordered 900,000 masks. The objective is that each inhabitant of the area (625,000) benefits from two reusable and washable masks. For the balance, Liège Métropole has launched an appeal for fashion designers : it invites citizens to participate in the collective effort and to come forward. The necessary material (elastic, fabrics, etc.) can be provided. Kits for making 100 masks can be delivered.

For distribution, no information has yet been published.

►►► Read also : Province of Liège: the purchase and distribution of masks for the population are starting to take place


A few days ago, the municipalities of the district of Huy-Waremme announced the purchase of 200,000 cotton masks, via a Walloon company, an effort of almost 400,000 euros which is part of a global (de) containment strategy “, specifies Christophe Collignon, the president of the Conference of elected officials. 100.00 of these masks are due to arrive at the end of April and will be dispatched to the municipalities which participated in the purchase.

So far, the city of Huy has favored the delivery of masks (to professionals) via door-to-door. It is the municipal employees, and in particular the works department which acts as delivery men. A service which will have to be greatly reinforced when individuals are involved in distribution.


Verviers: Four Verviétois climbed a platform for collect projects and organize the distribution of masks. It is VerviMask.


Andenne: an appeal is launched to the dressmakers of the region who own a sewing machine and who are ready to make masks voluntarily. The fabric will be supplied by the City of Andenne. 5,000 masks should therefore be supplied quickly.

Anhee: The Municipality of Anhée will distribute a mask to each inhabitant. The masks will be distributed by municipal staff to ensure compliance with containment measures.

Ciney: The City of Ciney will provide a free certified fabric mask to each Cinacien in the second half of May.

Dining: The municipal college of Dinant took the initiative, with a view to future deconfinement, toBuy 15,000 cloth masks which she will distribute free of charge to the entire population of Dinante. Scheduled date: first half of May.

Doische: call to the couturiers of the entity.

Eghezée: looking for volunteers wishing to get involved in the “Fairies hands of Eghezée” team. The municipality can supply and deliver, on request, packs for the production of around 2,000 masks.

Fernelmont: Call for solidarity. In parallel with this call, the Municipality has already ordered masks for the most vulnerable and those in difficulty (those over 70 and recipients of social assistance). These people will be contacted personally. Additional protection kits were already distributed to caregivers last week.


Hamois: Call for volunteers.

Hastière: Call for volunteers.

Houyet: The Municipality of Houyet will provide a free mask to each resident (adult and child) within 15 days from April 21, 2020.

Mettet: The municipal college has decided to order masks for all the inhabitants of the Mettet entity and to help the collective “Mettet you in transition” by providing material for their citizen initiative of making masks out of reusable fabrics .

Namur: The city of Namur has decided to contribute by building up a stock of 50,000 masks cloth that it would make available to Namur citizens from the beginning of May, at cost price. 20,000 cloth masks will be produced by the formidable network of volunteer seamstresses who have already been busy for several days making overcoats for nursing homes and hospitals.

Philippeville: Call for goodwill

Sambreville: The Sambreville municipal college met in an extraordinary session in order to award a public contract allowing the order of 60,000 washable fabric masks. The equipment is expected to be delivered in two to four weeks. One mask per citizen.

Sombreffe: call for dressmakers and voluntary seamstresses. Registration on https://www.impactdays.co/sombresffesolidaire/2590/ – The Municipality will support the coordination and delivery of the finished masks.

Somme-Leuze: 35 voluntary and motivated seamstresses were brought together The masks produced will be intended for the inhabitants of the town. The municipal college has decided to provide all the necessary equipment and to take care of the free distribution of these masks.

See it : Call for solidarity


Bastogne: Each inhabitant should have the right to a mask

Brussels-Capital Region

Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode: Masks are distributed to the population

Report on initiatives in our news at 7:30 p.m. this Tuesday:

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