The “small” rooms “satisfied”: “We can be calm for a while”
Bruno Thivillier, co-president of the Association of independent research cinemas in the Alpine region (AcrirA) – bringing together some 70 cinemas in the region – was among those who, with the Pathé group, the Union of art, repertoire and d’essai (Scare) and a representative of the City of Grenoble, were auditioned in Paris, this Thursday, as part of this CNACi.
The day after the decision, which he describes as a “beautiful victory”, the man (opposed to the Martinérois project) expresses, “on behalf of all the rooms he represents”, his relief. And to evoke “the good behavior” of this CNACi, which “was able to listen and understand”.
“I felt a real interest and a specific questioning on the part of the members of the National Commission which, unlike the Departmental Commission, is detached from local political combinations […] This feeling that cinema is not just a commodity or a product, it is something reassuring […] With this unfavorable opinion for the Megarama project, we can be calm for a while and continue our work”, he says, “vigilant” nevertheless on the consequences (call or not of the project leaders) of this file.
And to conclude: “Now is the time to find a way out. If there is a plan B in the Martinérois project, it is time to activate it and offer something other than cinema in a setting which, there, will be more desired and shared”.
#SaintMartindHeres #Cinema #Neyrpic #project #definitively #buried