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“Small Changes for a Healthy Heart: Walking, Pets, and Coffee”

Small Changes for a Healthy Heart: Walking, Pets, and Coffee

Improving heart health doesn’t always require drastic measures like extreme diets or intense exercise regimens. In fact, making small changes and adopting micro habits can have a significant impact on cardiovascular health. These tiny tweaks to your daily routine can reduce cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and improve overall heart health. Let’s explore some of these simple changes that can make a big difference.

Cycle for 12 minutes

You don’t have to be a professional cyclist to reap the benefits of biking. Just a short daily cycle ride can start improving your cardiovascular system. A study published in the journal Circulation found that just 12 minutes of cycling is enough to activate hundreds of heart-healthy compounds. Metabolites associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease decreased by 29% during exercise, while metabolites that help reduce inflammation and cardiovascular disease increased. Even a short bout of daily activity can lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol and insulin function, and reduce levels of inflammation and stress over time.

Why high cholesterol could predispose you to a heart attack or stroke

Understanding cholesterol is crucial when it comes to maintaining heart health. Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in the blood and cells that the body needs for various functions. However, there are two types of cholesterol: high-density lipoprotein (HDL), often referred to as “good” cholesterol, and non-HDL cholesterol, known as “bad” cholesterol. High levels of non-HDL cholesterol can lead to fatty deposits inside the walls of blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke. It’s important to monitor cholesterol levels, especially if there’s a family history of high cholesterol or other risk factors.

Drink more coffee

Coffee lovers, rejoice! Drinking one to five cups of coffee a day can have surprising benefits for heart health. Research conducted by Professor Frank Hu at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health found that moderate coffee consumption is linked to a lower likelihood of heart disease, type 2 liver and endometrial cancers, Parkinson’s disease, and depression. The positive effects are not limited to caffeinated coffee; decaffeinated coffee has the same benefits. While the exact reasons behind these benefits are not fully understood, coffee contains numerous bioactive compounds that contribute to its positive effects on the heart.

Donate blood

Giving blood is not only a selfless act but also beneficial for your cardiovascular health, especially if you have high blood pressure. A study conducted on 292 people found that regularly donating blood can help manage high blood pressure. After each donation, average blood pressure decreased, and some participants were even able to reduce or stop their antihypertensive medication under medical supervision. Donating blood not only helps others but also has a positive impact on your own heart health.

Take plant pills

This year, it’s time to embrace a plant-packed diet. Eating more vegetables can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, even if you’ve had an unhealthy diet in the past. A study by the American Heart Association tracked over 4,900 adults for 32 years and found that those who ate the most vegetables were 52% less likely to develop heart disease. Changing your diet for the better in mid-life can also have a significant impact on heart health. Plant sterols found in vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains play a crucial role in reducing cholesterol levels. Consider incorporating plant sterol supplements into your routine to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Walk 2,337 steps a day

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to walk 10,000 steps a day to keep your heart healthy. A study conducted by the University of Lodz in Poland found that walking just 2,337 steps a day reduces the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. Walking at least 3,867 steps a day also starts to reduce the risk of early death from any cause. The more you walk, the greater the health benefits. With every additional 500 to 1,000 steps, the risk of cardiovascular disease and overall mortality decreases significantly. So, lace up your shoes and start walking towards a healthier heart.

Take blood pressure pills at night

If you’re taking medication to lower your blood pressure, consider taking it before bedtime. A study by the University of Vigo in Spain found that participants who took their anti-hypertensive medication at night had a 45% reduced risk of “cardiovascular death” compared to those who took it in the morning. The risk of stroke is higher between 6 am and 12 pm due to circadian-driven blood pressure fluctuations. By taking medication at night, you can better manage your blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events.

Get a pet

Owning a pet, whether it’s a dog or a cat, can have a positive impact on your heart health. Numerous studies have shown the association between pet ownership and a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease


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