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SLRC teachers go altruistically to donate blood – Tribuna de San Luis

As part of the social work carried out by the members of the SNTE Contigo Volunteers, they joined the blood donation campaign in which their relatives also participated.

Professor Rodolfo Ulises Toledo Medina, secretary of the “Contigo” volunteer group, indicated that this group emerged with the aim of vindicating the image of teachers and making society aware that they are not only dedicated to teaching classes, but also they care about their community.

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He stressed that this volunteer group belongs to the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE) section 28, and is made up of 15 people who constantly carry out altruistic activities focused, above all, on vulnerable sectors.

Ulises Toledo said that, on this occasion, the volunteers took on the task of promoting the blood donation culture that is part of the campaign launched by the Sonora Ministry of Health.

Due to the above, he said, they went with Dr. Sofía del Carmen Jiménez Solís, to express their interest in participating voluntarily in the Blood Donation campaign.

Professor Toledo pointed out that it is extremely important to promote blood donation so that it is available when patients need it, taking into account that everyone, at some point, may require a blood transfusion.

“What we seek is to serve as an example for society. Create awareness so that they voluntarily go to the blood bank to donate and not only when a family member or friend needs it, “she said.

This time, 20 people from the SNTE Contigo Volunteers showed up at the local blood bank, of which 10 were eligible to donate.

Ulises Toledo commented that a large event is planned to invite San Luisinos to donate blood, in which union leaders from this city and state will be present.

These actions were carried out with the support of the national leader of the SNTE, Alfonso Cepeda Salas; the Secretary General of section 28, César Adalberto Salazar; the Coordinator of Region X, Alejandro Yokastas Valenzuela Briones and the President of Volunteering with You, Giber Ramírez.



In this city, the Blood Bank is located on Guadalupe Victoria Avenue between Seven and Eight streets.

The requirements to donate blood are: be between 18 and 65 years old, have a valid identification (INE), valid driver’s license or Mexican passport), be in good health, weigh at least 50 kilograms, fast for at least 6 hours, not having consumed medications in the last 7 days, not showing up awake on the day of the donation.

Blood bank staff emphasize that thanks to the altruistic donation they have been able to support patients in the emergency areas, surgeries, transplants, hemodialysis, oncology, pediatrics and pregnant women in their medical treatment.


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