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SlowTown Winterthur: Promoting Mutual Consideration in the Pedestrian Zone

On Monday, September 18, 2023, the “SlowTown Winterthur” campaign starts for the second time.

It focuses on the pedestrian zone in Winterthur’s old town and wants to promote mutual consideration.

The pedestrian zone in Winterthur’s old town is the largest of its kind in Switzerland and is known and popular far beyond the city limits – in its current shape and size for over twenty years. The pedestrian zone is used accordingly, and not just by pedestrians. Bicycles, e-bikes and e-scooters are also allowed to travel in part of the zone, but only at walking pace. The same applies to vehicles that handle goods or are otherwise authorized to operate in the old town.

Unfortunately, things are not always considerate in the pedestrian zone. Exceeding the walking pace plays a central role. This leads to conflicts, dangerous situations or even accidents. For this reason, the Winterthur city police, together with the TCS, the VCS, Fussverkehr Schweiz and Pro Velo Winterthur, launched the “SlowTown Winterthur” campaign in 2020. The campaign was very well received by the population, which is why it is now being carried out a second time, with the Junge Altstadt as an additional partner.

The core of the campaign is not the threatening (police) warning finger, but a friendly sloth that reminds all road users of the applicable walking pace and is intended to promote mutual consideration.

From September 18, 2023, in addition to street signs, which are mainly placed in ditches, posters and postcards will be in use. In addition, the campaign will also be visible on social media platforms.

An in-person event will also be held on Grabenplatz on September 20, 2023 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Police officers and representatives from partner organizations are available to answer questions and discuss matters. Non-alcoholic cocktails are available for pleasant refreshment. Cyclists also have the opportunity to measure their speed using “Speedy”.

The campaign lasts until October 2, 2023. Until then, you can also take part in the competition that was launched on this topic: www.junge-altstadt.ch/aktuelle/slowtown-winterthur.

Source: Winterthur City Police
Cover image: Symbolic image © SevenMaps – shutterstock.com

2023-09-16 00:26:23
#SlowTown #Winterthur #campaign #Policenews.ch

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