Last year, heavy rains and typhoons flooded underground parking lots, resulting in human casualties.
Seoul apartment complexes that suffered from flooding at the time, are they preparing well this year?
As a result of the KBS coverage, the installation of even the most important water barrier to prevent flooding in underground parking lots is slow.
Reporter Jang Hyuk-jin delivers.
Underground parking lots in apartments where natural drainage is difficult becomes a huge ‘rainwater inlet’ during torrential rain.
This was the case during the heavy rains last year.
[서울 강남구 아파트 주민/지난해 8월 : “이렇게 물이 넘치는데 전기충전소가 있는 게 안전에 괜찮을지 모르겠네요.”]
To prevent damage, the government and local governments first recommended installing water barriers.
The Seoul Metropolitan Government provides half of the installation cost for only 82 places that have been flooded or are expected to be damaged.
[성기홍/서울 동작구 아파트 관리소장 : “작년에 보니까 모래주머니를 설치 안 했더라고요. 그래서 거기다가 1차 적으로 방어선을 해 갖고 모래주머니를 한 3단으로 쌓을 예정입니다.”]
In this way, only 29 of the support targets completed the installation of water barriers and prepared for flood damage.
There are also 8 places where residents refused to install them.
This is because it is not easy to obtain consent from residents, as vehicle traffic can be restricted and some apartment management fees must be spent.
The effectiveness of installed facilities is also a problem.
The water barrier installed in this apartment is a ‘detachable’ type that a person directly inserts and removes.
The installation cost is around 5 million won, which has the advantage of being inexpensive.
However, it is difficult to respond immediately when the water rises rapidly.
The ‘mechanical’ water barrier, which automatically closes in 20 seconds, is more effective, but only one mechanical installation was installed in five apartment complexes in the Gangnam area of Seoul that suffered flood damage.
The cost of more than 30 million won is a stumbling block.
[전제호/삼성화재 교통안전문화연구소 책임연구원 : “침수 이력이 있거나 침수 위험 지역으로 지금 구분이 돼 있기 때문에, 그런 아파트에 한해서는 선택적으로 지원 비율 같은 것들을 좀 조정을 해가지고 차등(지원)하는 것도 고민해 볼 필요가 있을 거 같습니다.”]
The government is in the process of legislative procedures mandating the installation of water barriers in underground parking lots, but even this is only a fine of 5 million won, so there may be room for ‘gut’ apartments that continue to delay installation.
This is Jang Hyuk-jin from KBS News.
Cinematographer: Park Joon-seok / Video editing: Han Chan-eui / CG: Seo Su-min
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2023-06-28 09:04:00
#단독 #Danger #flooding #apartments #Seoul #water #barriers #underground #parking #lots