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Slovakian Stalwart Martin Nemčík Makes Bittersweet Debut in Czech Elite Hockey League

Martin Nemčík (left) | Photo: Matyáš Rjabi, hcverva.cz

Gloves down? Not a problem! Slovakian stalwart Martin Nemčík has barely warmed up in the Kladno outfit and has already lived up to the reputation he came with from the domestic league. In the 11th minute, he challenged Martin Havelka, introducing himself among the Czech elite with several well-aimed strikes. But the Knights in the black and yellow beehive extended the streak to seven and remain tied at the bottom of the table.

All in all a bittersweet debut, your feelings?
Of course, I was hoping that the match would have a different ending. But for me it is an incredible experience and a childhood dream come true – to play in the Czech extra league. Great honor, I enjoy it. I will try to make the most of it and help the team.

Again, like through a copier – a balanced duel that the Knights couldn’t manage. What was missing?
Yes, I watched the guys have some close games. Then there is always a mistake that the opponent punishes. There are top players in the extra league, they know how to use it.

Did you like working with other backs?
I started with Baba (by Jakub Babka, editor’s note). He helped me a lot, he’s a smart guy. Then it was down to seven defenders, everyone playing with everyone.

You earned a reputation as a brawler after just ten minutes. Part of the plan or did it come out of the game?
More likely, it resulted from the duel at the guardrail. I will not resist it, I will have such a role in this team. If I have to go to battle, I will. They say it about me, but then again, you can see that there are tough guys here.

“If I must go to battle, I will.”

You pulled the jersey over Martin Havelka’s head, he knocked you to the ground. Plus you have a scar on your eye… Who won?
(Laughs) I don’t know, I’ll leave that to other experts to evaluate. I think it was a boost for both teams. When you play on the edge, it’s great. Everyone likes it.

But fistfights are slowly receding from hockey, don’t you think?
It’s already different, but I like old school hockey – simple and put it there. My role model was, for example, Zdeno Chára.

What about the pace of the match? The narrow ice in Litvínov is specific, fast and aggressive teams benefit from it…
Certainly. The commitment and pace is completely different compared to the Slovak league. Even on smaller ice… That’s a rumble. It is played very quickly, and it must be great for the audience as well.

How did your transfer to Kladno work out?
The club already showed interest in me over the summer, but Trenčín didn’t let me go. I’m glad we’ve come to an agreement now. It doesn’t happen every day. In my opinion, it is unheard of – to get the opportunity to play in the Czech Republic after turning thirty.

“The club showed interest in me already over the summer, but Trenčín didn’t let me go. It doesn’t happen every day.’

Weren’t you nervous when you stepped into the booth where Jaromír Jágr is sitting?
(smiles) A little yes. It’s a legend that I had posted on a poster at home. My childhood dream came true. But the other guys are great too.

Are you aware that the Knights will be operating in survival mode for the next few months?
There will be pressure on us, but we have to get together with the boys. Going from training to training, from match to match… Step by step.

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