“Don’t rush, take your time” is the latest motto in a string of absurd animal horror movies, and Slotherhouse is definitely one of the craziest yet. Here we follow a bloodthirsty sloth that attacks a dorm full of scantily clad girls in very laid back fashion.The film will be released on August 30, you canit’s hereWatch the trailer for the full synopsis below:
this is sisterSorority sister Emily Young’s senior year of college, for the first time ever, Sigma Lambda Theta is electing who will be president. Looking to have a killer year, Emily Young realizes she might be the perfect choice for her sorority. While starting her campaign, she discovers an adorable sloth that has stolen her heart, and soon realizes that she could steal the hearts and votes of her sorority sisters. But when dead bodies slowly start piling up in Sigma Lambda Theta’s house, Emily and her sorority sisters realize the death was caused by their new house mascot, the lovable alpha sloth. Will Emily and her sisters escape home with their lives? Or is this dead sloth with 3 sharp claws too fast for them?
When Slotherhouse arrives, will you check it out?