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Slitterhead Includes ‘Multiple Genres’, Suitable For People Who ‘Don’t Normally Play Horror Games’ | News

Written by Marvin Toepoel on

Developer Bokeh shares more information about his upcoming action-horror game in a Q&A.

CEO Keiichiro Toyama, CTO/game director Junya Okura and COO/producer Kazunobu Sato answer questions from fans about their upcoming horror game Slitterhead in the Q&A above. In doing so, they express the hope that the game “will appeal to people who normally don’t play horror games” (thanks to PC Gamer).

“The game isn’t all horror. It encompasses multiple genres in which horror is expressed. From there I wanted to broaden the group of players, including people who normally don’t play horror games,” says Toyama.

“I wanted a game that people can enjoy through its action, but whose concept isn’t all about killing enemies. The game creates disagreements in the mind, which makes players hesitant to enter certain battles. I want to achieve both action and drama with this game.”

“There’s a terror element that I want to incorporate into it, even if the game is more action-oriented,” Okura added. “There are slow and fast moments in it, and I also want to include horror elements in the slow parts, for balance with the frenzy in the action.”

Toyama, the creator of Silent Hill, finally says that he has no plans yet to work with such a game again, but that he “someday” wants to make a psychological horror game again. “But I prefer to do that with few resources such as a small budget, or a focus on one individual. Now we have a team that can work on action. I want to push their skills in a different direction. But I also want to make something more personal one day.”

It is still unknown when Slitterhead will be released, let alone for which platforms the game will appear.

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