Home » today » Entertainment » Slesers is responsible for criticizing his wife’s costume at the theater premiere

Slesers is responsible for criticizing his wife’s costume at the theater premiere

It has already been reported that the production “The Loneliness of Cotton Countryside”, in which Hollywood star John Malkovich and Lithuanian actress Ingeborg Dapkunaite will play the premiere, will be premiered at the Daile Theater. However, the costume of Inese Slesere, the wife of the politician Ainars Slesers (LPV), caused the most discussion and reflection, in which many saw the motif of Georg ribbons banned in Latvia.

A. Slesers has shared pictures on the social network Facebook that show animals with similar colors and even a Member of the European Parliament Sandra Kalniete in similar deleted clothes.

“The Kremlin’s agent. What are we going to do with this GEORG-RIBBON-like butterfly? Shall we be blacklisted?” – A. Slesers is sarcastic in the picture with a butterfly. He also shared a picture of a tiger with a similar message and a photograph of S. Kalniete in striped clothing.

We already told youthat people on social networks were thoroughly outraged at Inese Slesera’s costume at the premiere of the Daile Theater.

As you know, the use of Georg ribbons is currently controlled administratively. Violation of the applicable restrictions may result in a fine of 350 euros for a natural person and up to 2,900 euros for a legal entity.

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