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Slavn primatoloka bude opt v Praze. Goodallovou ek pednka i kest mldte

The Legacy​ of Jane Goodall: A⁤ Lifetime⁤ of Conservation and Inspiration

Not only a friend to primates, but ​also a pioneer ⁢in conservation, Jane Goodall celebrated her 90th birthday yesterday. ‌Beyond being a private individual, she is now a public figure: a ⁢symbol of health and unwavering passion⁣ for protecting wildlife.

A Lifelong Passion for Primates

Jane Goodall’s interest in animals began at a ⁢young age.​ After completing her studies at Oxford University, she ventured to Kenya, where she began working with renowned primatologist⁣ Louis Leakey. ⁤His support led her to ‌study chimpanzees in the wild at Gombe National ⁣Park in Tanzania.

Over the course of 45 years studying chimpanzees in Gombe, Jane Goodall discovered many fascinating aspects of their behavior. She found that chimpanzees use⁤ tools, display emotions, and⁤ even engage in warfare. Her work has ⁤contributed significantly to ​the field of primatology, earning her a global reputation as an‍ expert in primate behavior.

The Jane Goodall Institute

In 1977, Jane Goodall founded The Jane Goodall Institute, ⁢an organization⁢ dedicated to⁤ research, education, and wildlife conservation. She ​has ‍visited the ‍Czech Republic several times, most recently​ in 2016, where she spoke about her work and visited⁤ the local gorillas.

Recognized with the Templeton Prize for her significant‌ contributions to science,⁢ Jane Goodall’s work has had a lasting impact not only in primatology but also⁣ in environmental conservation and public education.

As we celebrate Jane Goodall’s⁣ 90th birthday, let us reflect on her legacy ‍and continue to be inspired⁤ by her dedication to ⁢protecting wildlife and preserving our natural world for future generations.

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