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Slavi Trifonov released a new song about a politician on Facebook – Hot

  • January 13, 2023

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  • The leader of “There is such a people“There is such a people” is a political party in Bulgaria, created by the Bulgarian televisionSlavi TrifonovSlavi Trifonov

    Stanislav Todorov Trifonov is a Bulgarian singer, TV presenter and producer. He was born in presented a new song on the Facebook profile of his TV 7/8. This time it is aimed at acting Prime Minister Galab Donev.

    According to the leader of ITN, it is a contest for a political song “PoliTik-Talk”. The writers of Slavi are asking people to send them their political songs, and they will broadcast them on air.

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    “The first song on “PoliTik-Tok” has already sounded! Send us your songs to scenaristi@sedemosmi.tv – we will play them on the air or invite you live to sing them,” reads their Facebook post.

    “Hey, hey, dove, dove-dove, maiden Yaneva. Who will find a kinty to find for the third term”, are only part of the lyrics of the new work, which is a cover of the song “Moma Yanitsa”.

    This happens shortly after the scandal with the song about Lena Borislavova, which blew up social networks. In it, she was called “tired poop Lena, hungry hyena” and a bunch of other similar words.

    We remind you that shortly after, Kiril Petkov’s former chief of staff, Lena Borislavova, declared that she would sue Slavi and his screenwriters for the offensive song, and “We continue the change” firmly stood behind her. The showman, who was also active in politics, commented that this is just a political satire, which some people are very hurt by, because they clearly feel untouchable.


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