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Skyrocketing to 1,000 cases in Africa, will monkeypox become endemic?


With cases skyrocketing to 1,000, monkeypox brings its own concerns, whether it is possible for this monkeypox disease to become endemic outside Africa. / Photo: illustration/ist

JAKARTAmonkey pox by definition it is still categorized as an endemic disease in the African region, specifically West and Central Africa.

However, with cases skyrocketing to 1,000, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), it brings its own concerns as to whether it is possible monkey smallpox become endemic outside Africa?

According to reports NBC News, historically, monkeypox was not transmitted easily from human to human. The largest recorded outbreak outside Africa was the discovery of 47 cases of monkeypox in the United States in 2003.

Read also: US Has 2 Monkeypox Vaccines, IDI Alludes to Biological Weapons

However, in this case, no human-to-human transmission of the monkeypox virus was found, but all patients who were declared to have monkeypox were infected with the monkeypox virus from direct contact with certain types of sick dogs, in this case ‘prairie dogs’.

In outbreaks that occurred in 29 countries, monkeypox was transmitted from human to human predominantly due to close and close contact with patients, involving exposure to rashes or lesions of an infected person.

“Currently we are at risk of a virus that may become endemic because it transmits a lot from human to human. Moreover, our inability to stop the cycle of transmission,” said George Mason University professor of global health and epidemiology, Amira Albert Roess, as quoted on Thursday (9/09/2020). 6/2022).

Roess explained that there are several factors that make monkeypox a little more difficult to prevent its transmission. First, the cases found are difficult to identify.

“Patients develop a rash that is often mistaken for chickenpox, herpes, or syphilis. Moreover, in some cases the rash appears in the genital area, making it more difficult to detect,” said Roess.

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