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Skyrocketing rents: singles forced to share. Here are the costs, city by city

MILANO – Find a two-room apartment in rent in Milan it’s a tall order but surprisingly in Florence it can be even worse. In the Tuscan capital, in fact, the average monthly price required to rent a two-room apartment is 1,066 euros, but the rental budget available to a single person on average does not exceed 480 euros. Market analyzes and data processing by Immobiliare.it Insights have recently compared the ideal monthly percentage for rent, set at around 30% of the average net income, with the average rent required for renting an apartment with two rooms in the main Italian cities.

House prices, 2023 closes at +1.3%. Since 2010, in Rome they have fallen by 22% and in Milan they have grown by 23%.

In short, a single person is unlikely to be able to afford two rooms just for himself in a large Italian city. In fact, only 0.5% of the two-room apartments on offer on the market are accessible to those looking alone. Milan has the highest average rent among the cities analysed, over 1,320 euros per month for a two-room apartmentand, even though the budget available to the individual is by far the largest, just above 650 euros, it is still insufficient.

It is no coincidence that an analysis conducted by the Idealista research office last year found that more workers than students ask for rooms in shared houses (35% of students and 36% of workers). The latter, in fact, are often helped financially by their families, while workers, on the other hand, have to pay the rent but the salary-price gap in rent often prevents them from choosing a studio or two-room apartment and forces them to opt for sharing.

Also to Napolialthough the average rent for a two-room apartment costs around 850 euros per month, the average income of the municipality allows a single person to allocate only around 415 euros to the rent, with an affordability rate of less than 1%. Venezia presents a gap similar to that of Milan: the average rent is around 880 euros per month and the individual is able to allocate less than half of this figure. TO Bari and Bologna the situation is equally difficult for singles, with significant increases in rent prices exceeding the ability of the average income to pay. TO Romathe gap between the rental request and the available budget is more than 70%, while a Verona and in the main Sicilian capitals it is around 45%. TO Palermo and Catania in fact the monthly rent is just over 580 euros while the portion of the salary that can be allocated to rent is around 400 euros.

In general, the search for accessible accommodation for singles is complex in all the main Italian cities. In most cases, in fact, a single person must allocate at least 50% more than the budget considered sustainable to rent, if not even double. “With a view to a further increase in rents, it is necessary to reflect on the future of the main centers of the country, which are increasingly less accessible for the new generations, forced to look for adequate housing solutions in the hinterland, thus risking weakening the socio-economic fabric of the city” , comments Antonio Intini, Chief business development officer of Immobiliare.it.

Homes, almost 50 thousand families had to give up purchasing them to fall back on renting

The situation for couples

Generally, the outlook on rentals for couples seems more optimistic, although in several cities even the sum of the two incomes is not sufficient to cover the average rent requested. This situation is found for example in Firenze, where the budget to be allocated to the rent available to a couple (860 euros per month) is still around 200 euros less than what is generally required for two rooms offered for rent. TO Milano the shortfall is almost 150 euros, compared to an average couple budget of 1,174 euros per month calculated by the Immobiliare Insight study.

Bari and Bologna are very close to sustainability: in the first case the couple (775 euros per month budget) lacks just under 30 euros to reach the average amount requested in the city for a two-room apartment, in Bologna – with 920 euros per month budget – the gap is even smaller, approximately 6 euros. TO Turin and Genoa a couple manages to allocate less than 30% of their income to rent, dividing the expense. Indeed, in Turin and Genoa their monthly availability exceeds the average rent requested in the municipality by more than 250 euros.

Accessible cities

There are some municipalities where the available budget for renting a two-room apartment and the requested rent are close. TO Torino, the average rent is just over 600 euros per month and a single person has around 500 euros per month available on average. Also to Genova, there is a difference of approximately 100 euros between the average rent of 550 euros per month and personal resources of 450 euros. Genoa is also the city with the greatest accessibility to two-room apartments for individuals, with 38% of offers on the market.

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– 2024-05-05 01:52:40

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