Home » today » World » Sky News journalists survive ‘Russian assassination squad’ ambush, images go viral | Abroad

Sky News journalists survive ‘Russian assassination squad’ ambush, images go viral | Abroad

Five journalists from the British news channel Sky News got through the eye of a needle on Monday when they were caught in a hail of bullets near Kiev. A poignant video shared by Sky News and viewed millions of times shows reporters terrified as their car was riddled by dozens of bullets. “I remember wondering if my death would be painful.”

The Sky News team, consisting of three producers, a reporter and a cameraman, was on their way Monday to the village of Bucha, about 15 miles (24 kilometers) from Kiev, to report on a Russian convoy that was harmless the day before. made by the Ukrainian army.

In the distance, the reporters saw a small explosion, followed by a bullet that went straight through their car. “And then our world was turned upside down,” writes Britain’s chief Ukraine correspondent, Stuart Ramsay, in a statement. detailed eyewitness account.

Death squad

The images show and hear that the bullets – according to Ramsay ‘like a waterfall’ – fly through the car. In the background, panicked cries like ‘We’re just journalists!’ and ‘Is everyone okay?’. The reporters initially think they are under fire from a Ukrainian army checkpoint, but later it turns out to be a trained, cold-blooded Russian unit, a so-called ‘death squad’. meldt The Guardian.

“It was very professional, the car was hit continuously, they didn’t miss,” said reporter Ramsay. “I remember wondering if my death would be painful. Then suddenly I was hit in the lower back. What surprised me was that it didn’t hurt that much. It was actually more like being beaten.” His colleague, camerman Richie Mockler, is hit twice in his bulletproof vest.

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