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Sky News Arabia Poll: Environmental Respect Motivated by Social Pressures

More than half of Americans say they tend to be less environmentally conscious when they’re not surrounded by others, a new One Ball survey reveals.

She added that social pressure is what drives 20 percent of the respondents to commit to protecting the environment, while 19 percent fear others’ judgment of them.

The majority saw that caring for the planet and protecting it for future generations is the main reason behind living their lives in a sustainable way.

Among other reasons, respondents said they wanted to set an example for their children or felt it was the right thing to do.

And 73 percent agreed that the motivations behind living sustainably are unimportant as long as the outcome is positive for the planet.

Forty-five percent of the survey respondents said they only bought a product because it was presented to them as environmentally friendly, but only 27 percent were very confident about that.

The phenomenon of misleading consumers by making false environmental claims about the sustainability of products and their role in combating climate change is known as greenwashing.

Greenwashing is the dark side of the accelerating trend of companies and countries making pledges on the transition to clean energy and low carbon emissions.

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Poll: Social pressures are among the reasons people commit to respecting the environment

In this context, the psychological consultant, Dr. Rima Bejjani, said:

  • Usually we feel compelled to do some practices even though we are not convinced of them because of social pressures.
  • We must try to implant these practices in our mind so that with the future they will come out of us with full satisfaction and without a sense of anxiety and pressure.

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