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Skooler Faces Bankruptcy After Major Financial Problems and Downtime

It happens after problems with downtime and major financial problems write digi.no.

– During the day, we will tell the customers what will happen next, says managing director Tor Ove Henriksen at Skooler to the technology website.

On Tuesday, Skooler is still in operation, and Henriksen tells Digi that he expects them to have an answer to what happens to the bankruptcy estate during the day.

– Several options are being worked on for someone to take over the service, he says.

Haugesund is one of the municipalities that uses Skooler.

Risked bankruptcy last year

Since 2016, Skooler has provided solutions to integrate tools for educational tasks with the productivity and collaboration tools of Microsoft.

Last year too, Skooler risked bankruptcy. Then Henriksen met in Moss District Court, where the Tax Agency had filed a bankruptcy petition for non-payment of employer’s tax and VAT of a total of NOK 1.6 million. At that time, Henriksen had more time to make up for himself, wrote Moss newspaper.

2024-02-20 09:13:50

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