Home » today » Health » Skin care after 30 years! What advice does cosmetologist Victoria Niculita give us: “Usually, after 30 years, our skin needs help, as cell regeneration becomes slower”

Skin care after 30 years! What advice does cosmetologist Victoria Niculita give us: “Usually, after 30 years, our skin needs help, as cell regeneration becomes slower”

Skin care after the age of 30 is essential to counteract the aging process. By paying the necessary attention to skin care, wrinkles can be prevented and beautiful and healthy skin can be maintained in the long term.

Victoria NICULITA, COSMETIC DOCTOR: “Usually, after 30 years, our skin needs help, as cell regeneration becomes slower, collagen and elastin synthesis slows down and the amount of hyaluronic acid decreases. If until then our body was coping, now the first signs of tired skin appear, dark circles, even the skin type can change, fine wrinkles appear, dynamic ones start to turn into static wrinkles, and the skin becomes more dehydrated.”

Adopting a healthy lifestyle becomes essential to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin. A balanced diet, rich in nutrients and vitamins, combined with regular exercise, adequate sleep and avoiding harmful factors can help maintain a firm and radiant skin. Also, the daily care routine with products suitable for the skin is important.

Victoria NICULITA, COSMETIC DOCTOR: “You must make friends with SPF if you haven’t done it so far, to avoid photoaging and pigmentation of the skin. The SPF is applied even when there is not much sun or if you work on the computer. I also recommend a light facial massage while applying the cream or while washing the face with gel. 5-10 minutes daily is necessary to have a beautiful result.”

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Regular visits to a cosmetologist after the age of 30 are essential because they allow the assessment of the condition of the skin and the identification of problems, before they become more serious. A cosmetologist can recommend treatments and products suitable for your skin’s needs.

Victoria NICULITA, COSMETIC DOCTOR: “For maintenance, I recommend visiting the cosmetologist once a month. Here we have several non-invasive procedures, among which I want to mention the ultrasonic facial cleaning or the combined method, which is performed depending on the skin type at least 2 times a year. Professional facial massage, whether classic, plastic, cobido or combined, will ensure better blood circulation, ensure lymphatic drainage, oxygenate cells and offer a lifting and anti-aging effect. Peeling courses can help you combat several problems, including pigmentation of any etiology and will give skin brightness. I can also recommend facial radiofrequency courses to stimulate collagen production. It is a very pleasant and relaxing procedure.

Electrostimulation or myostimulation is the procedure of choice for muscle tone, namely for the lifting effect and contouring of the oval of the face, which means it has very good effects in the fight against dark circles.”

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Despite these measures, the natural aging process cannot be stopped. However, adopting a healthy lifestyle and proper skin care can help slow down this process and maintain a healthy and beautiful skin for a longer period of time.

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