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SKB CPNS 2019 Kominfo, See This Link Schedule and Complete Location Page all

KOMPAS.com – The Civil Servant Candidate Selection (CPNS) will now enter the Field Competency Selection stage ( SKB).

In early August, participants had re-registered and selected the location for the SKB. After that, starting today (18/8/2020) the SKB schedule CPNS 2019 announced.

Reported Kompas.com, Tuesday (18/8/2020), Head of the Bureau of Public Relations, Law and Cooperation of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) Paryono said the SKB schedule can be checked on the pages of each agency.

One of the ministries that has announced the SKB schedule is the Ministry of Communication and Information ( Kominfo).

Announcement SKB Kominfo 2019 can be accessed on the following page: SKB Kominfo.

Also read: Schedule and Location for the Implementation of the 2019 CPNS SKB Central Java Provincial Government

The following is the schedule and location link for the 2019 Ministry of Communication and Information Decree:

  1. BKN Pusat
  2. Kanreg I BKN Yogyakarta
  3. Kanreg II BKN Surabaya
  4. Kanreg III BKN Bandung
  5. Kanreg IV BKN Makassar
  6. Kanreg IX BKN Jayapura
  7. Kanreg VI BKN Medan
  8. Kanreg VII BKN Palembang
  9. Kanreg VIII BKN Banjarmasin
  10. Kanreg X BKN Denpasar
  11. Kanreg XI BKN Manado
  12. Kanreg XII BKN Pekanbaru
  13. Kanreg XIII BKN Aceh
  14. UPT BKN Ambon
  15. UPT BKN Balikpapan
  16. UPT BKN Batam
  17. UPT BKN Bengkulu
  18. UPT BKN Gorontalo
  19. UPT BKN Jambi
  20. UPT BKN Kendari
  21. UPT BKN Lampung
  22. UPT BKN Mamuju
  23. UPT BKN Mataram
  24. UPT BKN Padang
  25. UPT BKN Palangkaraya
  26. UPT BKN Palu
  27. UPT BKN Pangkal Pinang
  28. UPT BKN Pontianak
  29. UPT BKN Semarang
  30. UPT BKN Serang
  31. UPT BKN Sorong
  32. UPT BKN Tarakan

However, there are things that have not been announced, namely the list of participants, the location and time of implementing the Additional SKB (Psychological Test and Interview) and Work Practice SKB (especially for applicants for the position of Educational Laboratory Institution).

In addition, SKB participants who choose the location of the SKB abroad will be announced later in a separate announcement.

Then, for participants who did not choose a location on August 1-7, they are required to follow the SKB at the same location when participating in the Basic Competency Selection (SKD).

Also read: Schedule, Location and Conditions for the 2019 CPNS SKB Purworejo Regency Government

Rules of conduct for participants

Participants in the field competency selection must:

  • Present in person (without being represented) 120 minutes before the SKB session begins according to the exam session of each participant.
  • Coming to the selection location wearing a mask covering the nose and mouth to the chin, the use of a face shield (faceshield) with a mask is highly recommended as additional protection.
  • Bring a wooden pencil (not a mechanical pencil) and required documents, such as an original KTP / certificate to replace the original KTP which is still valid / Original Family Card or family card legalized by authorized officials and Selection Participant Card.
  • Keep paying attention to maintain a minimum distance of 1 (one) meter from other people
  • Maintain hand hygiene by washing hands with soap and running water and / or using a handsanitizer.

SKB participants wear clothes with the following conditions:

  • Plain white shirt without pattern
  • Plain black trousers / skirt without pattern (not jeans)
  • Black hijab without accessories (for those who wear the hijab)
  • Black / dark color shoes

The implementation of the SKB Kemenkominfo is available in 3 sessions, namely:

  1. Voice I: 06.30-10.00
  2. Sesi II: 09.30-13.00
  3. Session III: 12.30-16.00

Meanwhile, the schedule for Friday is only sessions I and III.

Also read: Get ready, this is the link to the main material for the CPNS SKB

The activities in each session consist of:

  • The first 90 minutes: registration, giving participants pins, storing goods, body checking, and participants entering the sterile waiting room
  • The next 30 minutes: transfer of participants from the sterile room to the exam room
  • Last 90 minutes: SKB exam

Keep in mind that participants can cancel the exam because:

  • cannot show the Test Participant Identity Card
  • do not bring original eKTP or Certificate of recording of population data
  • participants do not wear clothes according to the provisions

More information regarding announcements SKB Kominfo can be accessed on the following page: list of points of location of SKB Kominfo.

Also read: See, the 2019 SKB CPNS DI Yogyakarta Province schedule and its regulations

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