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Skater facility in Halver before the end: children, young people and parents are outraged

Halver – The outrage is great. Huge. Children, adolescents and parents get mobile, there is discussion and abuse in social networks. The successful lawsuit by a resident against the skater facility on Katrineholmstrasse moves Halveran’s hearts.

On Monday, the facility was cordoned off with fences, the children and adolescents initially no longer came to the site with their skateboards, inline skates, BMX bikes and scooters. But the lock that connected the construction fences has been opened. “And not from the children”, as some parents emphasized on site yesterday. Indeed: the massive lock is undamaged, and many children tell independently of each other about “men in orange” who have reopened the facility.

The parents had come together at the facility to express their anger about the situation. “Our children play here every day. Where should they go when everything is closed? ”The resentment about the complaining resident is great. Many of the children who use the facility have been doing so for many years. “Here one person takes the other into consideration, it is always very social,” reports a mother, whose youngest is always allowed to go into the facility. “The space is so important. My son started here with a balance bike, and over time the sports equipment with which he comes to the facility has grown with him, ”says another mother.

“It’s not that loud at all”

During the conversation, the children and young people use the skate park in the background. “There are already quite a few children, and it’s not that loud at all,” says one of the fathers who doesn’t understand the displeasure with the system – and normally the hustle and bustle of the children and young people would be spread over the day. Neither the parents nor the children and adolescents can understand the lawsuit of the resident and the corresponding judgment of the administrative court.

Especially in times of Corona, the facility is even more important for the children than it is already – after all, there are no sports activities in the clubs. “One always says that the children should move more and not hang in front of the screen all the time – and if they do that, is it also wrong?”

Everyone agrees that the children and young people would have understood if the skate park had been closed due to the pandemic. “That would have been a foreseeable time. But they don’t understand that it should be closed completely here, ”report the parents unanimously. Because: The children and young people in Halver simply lack the alternatives to the skate facility. “Most of them are already too old for the playgrounds, and otherwise there are practically no offers.”

Hardly any chance of a successful appointment

After the skater park was closed, the rumor spread that the facility should be dismantled in the near future. It’s not quite that far yet, but the city administration sees little chance of winning against the plaintiff resident in court in the upcoming appeal process. Then the system must not remain open even in the long term.

All those affected at the skate park yesterday were willing to compromise: “A fence and regular opening times would not be a problem for the children. They just want to be able to continue spending their free time here – and they usually don’t do that until after school. “

The prospect that the facility could move completely does not calm the minds of the users and their parents: “How are the younger ones in particular supposed to get to the new location?” The central location on Katrineholmstrasse is particularly suitable because the path is with Sidewalks is equipped and the children from many neighboring residential areas can be there quickly – the skate park is also quickly accessible from the city center. “If there really is no way to maintain the system here, it would be important to find an alternative quickly,” the parents agree. Months and years of planning should not pass before the offer is available elsewhere for the boys and girls. Children, parents and young people hope that the skate park will still be usable for as long as that.

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