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Sixty metro stations will remain closed on Monday in Paris

Masked passengers in the metro in Paris. (Drawing) – AFP

A gradual recovery. Some 60 stations of the Paris metro, out of a total of 302, will remain closed on Monday at the start of
deconfinement, Secretary of State for Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari announced Friday.

“About sixty RATP stations will remain closed from May 11,” said Djebbari at a press conference, ten more than at present. He added that the government wanted “that SNCF will run on average 50% of the daily trains, that is to say the TER and the transiliens, and 75% of the usual RATP supply in Ile-de-France. -France”.

The public enterprise plans to circulate on average 75% of the metros

All the RER stations will be open, as will the metro stations connecting with the major Parisian stations (Gare du Nord, Gare de l’Est, Saint Lazare) and the major transport hubs (Châtelet, Les Halles, Montparnasse), said RATP. Conversely, the République metro station, one of the busiest on the network, will remain closed.

The public company plans to run an average of 75% of metros -85% on line 13, very busy, and 100% on automatic lines 1 and 14-, 75% of RER A and B, 75% of buses and from 80 to 100% of trams.

Ban on eating and drinking on the network, mandatory mask

To manage the flow of travelers, “3,400 agents” will be deployed, “a million stickers have been deployed” throughout the network to mark physical distance and “limit the crossing of travelers,” said RATP CEO Catherine Guillouard during this press conference.

For travelers, there will be “ban on eating and drinking on the network, because you wear a mask,” also warned the manager of the Parisian carrier. On the SNCF side, one train out of two on average will run from May 11, with 60% of Transilien and 50% of TER in detail, explained SNCF CEO Jean-Pierre Farandou. SNCF plans about a third of TGVs, with “a ramp-up if the situation allows it”. Only one seat out of two can be reserved in TGVs.

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