Home » today » World » Sixth package of EU sanctions: Orban wins on Kirill. Born: “Ready for a war of usury, Kiev decides on the sale of territories” – The live broadcast

Sixth package of EU sanctions: Orban wins on Kirill. Born: “Ready for a war of usury, Kiev decides on the sale of territories” – The live broadcast

June 2, 2022


Stoltenberg announces the calling of a meeting with the representatives of Turkey, Sweden and Finland

The NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenbergannounced the calling of a meeting with the representatives of Turkey, Sweden e Finland, to overcome Ankara’s vetoes on the entry of the two new members into the Atlantic Alliance. At the end of his White House meeting with the president Joe Biden, Stoltenberg reported having had talks with the leaders of the three countries. Turkey is an “important ally”, he said, and “we have to sit down and find a solution”.

June 2, 2022


Stoltenberg: “It is up to Ukraine to decide whether to cede territory”

“It is up to Ukraine to decide whether give up territory to Russia to negotiate the end of the war ”: the NATO secretary general said in Washington Jens Stoltenberg.

June 2, 2022


Born, Stoltenberg: “Ready for a long-term usury war”

“We must be ready” for a “wear war“For a long time term“. The NATO Secretary General said, Jens Stoltenbergafter the meeting in the White House with the president Joe Bidenthe vice president Kamala Harris and the National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan. The Ukrainians “are paying a prezzo alto“, Stoltenberg said, but Russia is also“ suffering a lot losses“. The conflict will end at the “negotiating table” and NATO must support Ukraine to allow Kiev to obtain the “result improve“Said Stoltenberg.

June 2, 2022


Born, Stoltenberg: “united” way to overcome the Turkish veto

The Nato is finding a “united” way to address Turkish concerns about the entry of Sweden e Finland: said the secretary general of the Alliance, Jens Stoltenbergafter meeting at the White House with Joe Biden and the National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in view of the NATO summit at the end of June.

June 2, 2022


Moldova bans Russian newscasts and political programs

The Moldavia banned the broadcasting of Russian news and political programs on tv channels of the country. The formal announcement, reports the Bbcwas approved today by the Parliament of Chisinaueven though the news broadcast from Moscow had already been interrupted in fact since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. The new legislation also provides for fines and sanctions in case of spread of fake news.
Moldova has repeatedly expressed the fear to be involved in the conflict, especially following the attacks in the territory of the self-proclaimed pro-Russian separatist republic of Transnistriain the south-east, on the border with Ukraine, where about 1,500 soldiers from Moscow are stationed.

June 2, 2022


Zelensky’s party joins the European liberals

The party of the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky“Serve the People” officially joins the European liberals dell’Alde, the group present at the European Parliament. The announcement comes during the ongoing congress in Dublin which is also attended by a delegation from +Europaled by the secretary Benedetto Della Vedova.

June 2, 2022


Kiev: “Russians launched over 500 Iskander and Kalibr missiles”

“Since the start of hostilities, the enemy has made a total of 5,722 exits of tactical and operational aircraft e 551 missile launches cruise Iskander e Caliber. Of these, 1,211 flights were made from the territory of the Republic of Belarus, more than 20% of the total, and 61 Iskander cruise missiles were launched to destroy critical infrastructure in Ukraine ”. This was reported by the Deputy Chief of Operations of the General Staff of Kiev, Oleksiy Gromovquoted by local media.

June 2, 2022


Von der Leyen: “Stop 90% of Russian oil by the end of 2022”

“In fact, by the end of 2022 the 90% of Russian oil imports to the EU will be banned“, Writes the president of the European Commission on Twitter, Ursula von der Leyencommenting on the agreement on the new sanctions.

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