Home » today » Health » Sixth, garrison in front of the hospital: “Give us back all the services” – Chronicle

Sixth, garrison in front of the hospital: “Give us back all the services” – Chronicle

The garrison in front of the Sesto hospital to ask for more social and health services

Sesto San Giovanni (Milan), January 17, 2021 – The first signs were hung on the street lamps and on the newsstand, abandoned for years. “We are patient, but not for much longer.” Others are “worn” directly by those who protest. “Right to health. Right to hospital. We want health care that is territorial”. Yesterday morning, over one hundred people joined the garrison in front of the hospital in viale Matteotti, launched by the Health Network. “We have written 10 points that should represent for all the interests of the community – explain the organizers of the sit in -. We ask the Asst Nord Milano and the Ats Città Metropolitana that the visits are not canceled, as happens now for the pandemic and how it happened before too waiting times the necessary treatments are acceptable and do not require private visits “. The restoration of some decentralized services is requested, such as the collection center in Viale Marx, closed months ago.” I am looking for a health care doctor “, says another banner. Because, especially today , in Sesto there remains a problem of lack of basic professionals, between the retirements of December and January and the premature death of Roberto Trezzi, all replaced for now with temporary doctors.

“The welfare coverage is guaranteed for now, but tomorrow? Already some patients, at the choice and revocation office, have been diverted to Cologno”, says a pensioner. Present yesterday morning, associations, committees, the Tenants Union, the former bredini of the Committee for the defense of health in the workplace and in the territory, asking for the restoration of occupational medicine and a new season of medicine and prevention for the schools. Also present were the Left Coalition, ArticoloUno and the Pd. “We don’t want public health in ruins. Today we were in the square to ask two things: work to increase the social and health principals that act on our territory and clarity on the future of the hospital in our city and that the Municipality is committed – explained the Dems -. What Sesto needs is that new services be created and encouraged, not devalued and emptied those that resist. “A hospital that continues to change skin: initially it was decided to close the emergency room and the birth point to move doctors to Bassini, at Niguarda and at Fiera. Then it was decided to transfer three anesthetists to Cinisello, and finally to transform the intensive care unit into a Covid ward. At the end of November the hospital had returned to Covid free and had returned to operate but, in fact, only for scheduled surgery and for patients in need of intensive care for up to 24 hours the Sesto district is the reference hub for Northern Milan for anti-Covid vaccinations. “We must guard the future, so that the hospital is not decommissioned or impoverished once this function is fulfilled”.

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