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Six-Year-Old Put on Wrong Flight by Spirit Airlines – Grandmother Demands Answers

ILLUSTRATION: Image of a plane from the company Spirit Airlines. Photo: ALLISON DINNER / EPA / NTB

Maria Ramos waited in vain for her grandson, who was to travel alone to Fort Myers, Florida.


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A six-year-old was to travel alone from Philadelphia on the east coast of the United States to his grandmother in Fort Myers, Florida. The flight was the six-year-old’s very first ever.

However, the child never boarded the flight to Fort Myers, but was instead put on a flight to Orlando, Florida, just over 250 kilometers away. It writes CBS.

The child traveled with the low-cost airline Spirit Airlines, and the company confirms that the six-year-old was put on the wrong flight.

– The child was looked after by one of the company’s employees, and as soon as we discovered the mistake we did what we could to get in touch with the family, says a spokesperson for the company to CBS.

The grandmother Maria Ramos is interviewed by the local channel WINK-TV.

– They answered me “no, he is not on this plane. He didn’t make the flight.” No, he couldn’t have missed this flight, because I have the check-in confirmation, Ramos replied.

She says she ran into the plane that landed in Fort Myers and grabbed a flight attendant, asking her, “Where’s my grandson? He was handed over to you in Philadelphia.”

However, the flight attendant replied that she had not had any children traveling alone on the flight.

A spokesperson for the company says they have apologized to the family, but Ramos says she wants more answers to her questions.

– Tell me how my grandson ended up in Orlando. How did it happen? Did they take him off the plane? Did the flight attendant, who got the papers from the mother in Philadelphia, let the child go alone? Did he get on the wrong plane by himself?


Published: 25.12.23 at 00:21

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2023-12-24 23:22:12
#Sixyearold #traveled #Ended #wrong #flight

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