Within the framework of the World Day against Chagas Disease, health professionals called on the community, especially pregnant women, to take care of themselves, and timely detection of the pathology that may be harmful, affecting the heart or digestive system quality of life, even causing death.
A disease transmitted by an insect called Vinchuca, infects people through blood. In this regard, the Minister of Health Ñuble, Ximena Salinas Urrutia pointed out: “In Chile, around 120 thousand people would carry the virus that causes this disease, many of them without realizing it. While some types of transmission are under control, others are still being researched. In 2023, in our Department, four pregnant women were diagnosed with Chagas, and two others, who showed gastrointestinal symptoms, were also diagnosed. “
For her part, the director of the Ñuble Health Service (SSÑ), Elizabeth Abarca Triviño, said, “We want to emphasize that although it is a pathology that is under control in Chile, we need people to keep their controls up to date. especially during pregnancy. For this reason, we ask pregnant women to consult about this benefit at their health center, which is free and provided regardless of their nationality and immigration status . Definite treatment for the baby and the mother.”
Transmission and Handling
Jessica Insunza Reyes, Referral Program for Blood Transmissible Diseases, Chagas Disease, of the Seremi de Salud Ñuble, pointed out that “the route of transmission was not direct, that is, from a pregnant woman diagnosed to her child during she is pregnant, to establish yet. “under control. Because of this, the National Program for the Prevention and Control of Chagas Disease has accepted the task of controlling the disease, identifying the serological status of pregnant women in prenatal care, risk groups, screening women of childbearing age, preferably in prenatal control, carry out the epidemiological study of the index case, among other practices.
Regarding the health services provided in Ñuble, Cecilia Garrido Flores, who is in charge of the Blood Transfusion Program, Ñuble Health Service, pointed out that “this disease is being treated and monitored at the Chagas Polyclinic in Herminda Clinical Hospital. Martín de Chillán, after the referral, from primary care, where the individual examination can be requested for the suspicion of having acquired this pathology and the examination is also carried out on the whole family. For this reason, it must be clarified that all pregnant women and women of childbearing age living in Chile must be tested for the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes the experience- this experience.
Treatment against Chagas disease in children under 5 years of age is 99% effective, as the main way to stop transgenerational transmission.